
We promote the research and intellectual exchange in physical chemistry, both experimental and theoretical, through which we understand chemistry.


We promote the research and intellectual exchange in physical chemistry, both experimental and theoretical, through which we understand chemistry.

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May 27th at 3pm ET. Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff from the University of Chicago.

Presented by Prof. Theodore Goodson III: Richard Barry Bernstein Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Macromolecular Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan

Presented by Gustavo Scuseria - Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry Professor of Physics & Astronomy Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering, Rice University

Do you have webinar suggestions or recommendations? Would you like to pick a topic? Please contact our webinar committee: Rodrigo Noriega, Dept. of Chem.,Univ. of Utah, Marco Caricato, Dept. of Chem.,Univ. of Kansas, Lu Wang, Rutgers Univ. and Vanessa Huxter, Univ. of Arizona.

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