Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry
The Physical Chemistry Division of ACS is excited to announce our annual 2024 Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry. We encourage you to nominate the top physical chemistry student from your school for this national recognition.
Purpose of the Award: To recognize outstanding achievement by undergraduate students in physical chemistry and to encourage further pursuits in the field.
Eligibility: Each ACS-approved Department is eligible to nominate one student who will automatically receive this award. The nominee will have demonstrated excellence in physical chemistry and related fields based on research, coursework, and/or dedication as defined by the nominating institution. The student should be committed to a career in chemistry, broadly defined.
The nominee will receive the following:
- Official award certificate from the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry
- Recognition on the Division’s website: names of all awardees and their university affiliation will be listed
- One-year complimentary membership in the Division of Physical Chemistry (ACS membership is not required to be a member of the PHYS Division)
Deadline: June 15, 2024.
We will make an effort to send award certificates within two weeks of submission. The certificate will be sent via email to the preferred email address (either to the Department or directly to the student, as you indicate). A complete list of awardees will be announced on approximately June 30, 2024. Questions about the award can be sent to Charlisa Daniels & Joshua Schrier at phys.ugrad.award@gmail.com.
Contact: acs-phys@colostate.edu
Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Carryover: Nominations from previous years do not carry over for this award.