Congratulations to all of the Winners of the PHYS Poster Awards at the Spring ACS meeting in Indianapolis, IN!

After evaluating many excellent poster contributions during the in-person PHYS Poster Session at the ACS Spring Meeting in Indianapolis, the judges singled out 8 posters for exemplary work. We congratulate all who took part in the event!

Characterization of tensile deformation in steel with non-linear optics
Characterization of tensile deformation in steel with non-linear optics
Joshua Washburn, Presenter; James Patterson
Enantiospecificity of cysteine adsorption on a ferromagnetic surface
Enantiospecificity of cysteine adsorption on a ferromagnetic surface
Yiyang Lu Lu, Presenter; Brian Bloom; David Waldeck
Using crystals of photodynamic α-azido-acetophenone derivatives to lift weight in correlation to their intermolecular forces
Using crystals of photodynamic α-azido-acetophenone derivatives to lift weight in correlation to their intermolecular forces
Uyen Dao; Gabrielle Nelson; Fiona Wasson, Presenter;
Rajkumar Merugu; Jeanette Krause; Anna Gudmundsdottir
Testing crystal structure predictions with low-frequency vibrational spectroscopy
Testing crystal structure predictions with low-frequency vibrational spectroscopy
Catherine Wallace, Presenter; Timothy Korter
Detection of light-driven conformational motions of canthaxanthin inside the orange carotenoid protein
Detection of light-driven conformational motions of canthaxanthin inside the orange carotenoid protein
Justin Rose, Presenter; Wenjing Lou; Cheryl Kerfeld;
Prof. Dr. Warren F. Beck
Low-frequency Raman spectroscopy of phase transitions in benzocaine polymorphs
Low-frequency Raman spectroscopy of phase transitions in benzocaine polymorphs
Salvatore Zarrella, Presenter; Timothy Korter
Developing a spectroscopic map for modeling the vibrational frequencies of terminal alkyne probes
Developing a spectroscopic map for modeling the vibrational frequencies of terminal alkyne probes
Theresa Haupt, Presenter; Kristina Streu; Sara Hunsberger;
Dr. Clyde A. Daly Jr.
3D Printing of highly luminescent Piezoelectric Fluoropolymer Composites
3D Printing of highly luminescent Piezoelectric Fluoropolymer Composites
Ashford Hollis, Presenter; Briona Carswell; Nathan Weeks;
Scott Iacono