2020 Physical Chemistry Division Awards
The Physical Chemistry Division annually sponsors senior and early-career awards in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry that are intended to recognize the most outstanding scientific achievements of members of the Division. The 2020 recipients will be honored at the the Fall ACS National Meeting in San Francisco.

2020 Award in Theoretical Chemistry
David Yarkony
Johns Hopkins
"For his work demonstrating the significance and properties of conical intersections of two or more
adiabatic electronic states."

2020 Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry
Lin X. Chen
Northwestern Univ. & Argonne National Lab
"For fundamental contributions to the elucidation of excited state structures, dynamics and energetics of
light harvesting systems through ultrafast X-ray and vis/IR transient absorption spectroscopy."

2020 Early-Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Anastassia N. Alexandrova
"For the development of theory of catalysis on dynamic heterogeneous interfaces based on statistical
ensembles of metastable states, and applications to surface-supported catalytic clusters."

2020 Early-Career Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry
Naomi S. Ginsberg
"For the development of new time- and space-resolved imaging and spectroscopy methods to study dynamical
phenomena in heterogeneous materials."
The window for nominations for the 2021 Division awards will open following the Fall National meeting in August 2020 and will be remain open until early November. Details regarding eligibility and nominations will be available in the coming months.