2016 Physical Chemistry Division Awards
The Physical Chemistry Division annually sponsors senior and early-career awards in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry that are intended to recognize the most outstanding scientific achievements of members of the Division. The 2016 recipients will be honored in a special awards symposium on Tuesday afternoon of the Fall ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia.

2016 Award in Theoretical Chemistry
Dave Thirumalai
The University of Maryland
"for outstanding contributions to physical and biophysical chemistry, especially work on protein and RNA folding, protein
aggregation, and effects of molecular crowding in cells"

2016 Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry
Scott Anderson
University of Utah
"for exceptional creativity in the design, construction and exploitation of instrumental methods that bring clear
pictures of complex chemistry"

2016 Early-Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Francesco Paesani
University of California, San Diego
"for his development of a rigorous theoretical method for simulating aqueous systems from the gas to the condensed phase,
with chemical and spectroscopic accuracy"

2016 Early-Career Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry
Christy Landes
Rice University
"for integrating super-resolution single-molecule techniques and information theory to contribute new discoveries in
biological and chemical separations at the molecular scale"
The window for nominations for the 2017 Division awards will open following the Fall National meeting in August 2016 and will be remain open until early November. Details regarding eligibility and nominations will be available in the coming months.