American Chemical Society
Division of Physical Chemistry (PHYS)
Spring 1999 Newsletter
Chair (8/98-99) Geraldine Richmond
Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon
210 Willamette Hall
Eugene, OR 97403
(541) 346-4635
fax (541) 346-5859
Vice-Chair (8/98-99) Daniel Neumark
University of California, Department of Chemistry
237 Hildebrand
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 642-3502
fax (510) 642-6262
Secretary-Treasurer (8/96-01) Mark Gordon
Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University
201 Spedding Hall
Ames, IA 50011
(515) 294-0452, fax (515) 294-5204
Chair-Elect (8/98-99) George Schatz
Department of Chemistry Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3113
(847) 491-5657
fax (847) 491-7713
Vice-Chair-Elect (8/98-99) Richard M. Stratt
Department of Chemistry
Brown University
324 Brooke Street
Providence, RI 02912
(401) 863-3418
fax (401) 863-2594
Past Chair (8/98-99) Ellen B. Stechel
Ford Motor Company
PO Box 2053, MD 3028/SRL
Dearborn, MI 48121-2053
(313) 248-5635
fax (313) 322-7044
Julia E. Rice (98-2001) IBM
John Simon (96-99) Univ. of California, SD
Anthony Dean (97-2000) Exxon
David W. Chandler (98-2001) Sandia National Lab
Paul Houston (96-99) Cornell University
Anne M. Chaka (97-2000) The Lubrizol Corp.
Alvin L. Kwiram (97-99) Univ. of Washington
Edward M. (Ted) Eyring (97-99) Univ. of Utah
Michael Bowers (99-2001) Univ. of California, SB
Thom H. Dunning, Jr. (98-2000) PNNL
Joseph M. Jasinski (99-2001) IBM Research
Ron Levy (97-99) Rutgers University
Gregory Voth (97-99) University of Utah
A. Welford Castleman, Jr. (98-2000) Penn. State
Chair (8/98-99) Robin M. Hochstrasser
Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323 (215) 898-8410
Vice-Chair (8/98-99) William A. Eaton
Lab of Chem. Physics, NIDDK, NIH
Bethesda, MD 20892-0520 (301) 496-6030
Chair-Elect (8/98-99) Eric Oldfield
Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-3374
Secretary (8/94-99) Gerald T. Babcock
Dept. of Chemistry, Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 355-9715 x257
Chair (8/98-99) Richard M. Stratt
Department of Chemistry, Brown University
Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-3418
Vice-Chair (8/98-99) Susan C. Tucker
Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of California-Davis
Davis, CA 95616 (530) 752-2203
Chair-Elect (8/98-99) Kenneth D. Jordan
Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412) 624-8690
Secretary (8/95-99) Michael Page
Department of Chemistry, North Dakota State Univ. Fargo, ND 58105
(701) 231-8291
Remarks by the Physical Division Chair for the Anaheim,
ACS National Meeting, March 1999
Geraldine Richmond
As I move into my role as Chair of the Division of Physical Chemistry
I would like to share some of my thoughts with you about the Division.
I am indeed honored to assume this position, following in the footsteps
of a number of very dedicated individuals who have made major contributions
to the vitality of the Division. In particular, I am indebted to Ellen
Stechel for her work and guidance as Chair of the Division in 1998, George
Flynn who preceded her and Mark Gordon, Secretary-Treasurer. The Division
of Physical Chemistry is comprised of members who span a broad range of
interests in the general area of physical chemistry. This breadth is reflected
in the range of symposia topics sponsored in recent years by the Division
which includes polymeric materials and thin films, combustion processes,
structure and reactivity in supercritical fluids, complex metal oxide surfaces,
large scale electronic structure methods, high resolution spectroscopy,
nanoscale materials, electron transfer, ultra fast protein responses, water
at surfaces and education in physical chemistry. It is invigorating to
attend many of these symposia and see what an important role the discipline
of physical chemistry plays in so many existing and emerging fields of
science today. It is the depth of knowledge and the breadth of application
of this knowledge that makes and will continue to keep physical chemistry
as a central discipline in the physical sciences. It is currently training
some of the best and brightest minds in the field of chemistry and we welcome
their participation in the Division, and their future contributions to
the scientific discipline.
I encourage all to attend and participate in the Division symposia at
the two upcoming National ACS meetings to learn more about the exciting
science currently being conducted in the field. Attendance at these symposia
generates revenue for the Division, revenue that is critical to supporting
many of the important functions of the Division including travel awards
for graduate students to ACS meetings. George Schatz is the 1999 Program
Chair for the Division. George has put together a very rich series of symposia
for the next two National ACS Meetings at Anaheim and New Orleans. These
include topics such as the physical chemistry of sol-gel materials, unimolecular
reactions and state resolved photodis-sociation dynamics, structure at
electrochemical interfaces, chromophores aggregates, molecular beam imaging
experiments, electronically non adiabatic processes, chemical wave fronts
and patterns and free radicals in condensed phase dynamics. These symposia
are timely and again celebrate some of the most recent advances in the
areas highlighted. In addition to the invited talks, there will be a Divisional
poster session held on Wednesday night that we encourage you to attend.
A subset of these posters will also be presented at the SciMix poster session
held on Monday nights at the national meetings. SciMix is a society wide
event that includes papers from all ACS divisions (as well as FREE liquid
refreshment) and is certainly worth attending.
The Spring National ACS meeting is traditionally the one that we honor
physical chemists who have won prestigious ACS awards. The awards symposium
will be held on Tuesday afternoon and will honor the 1999 awardees which
include Richard Zare who has won the E. Bright Wilson Award, Douglas Henderson,
winner of the Joel Henry Hildebrand Award, Ben Widom who is recipient of
the ACS Theoretical Chemistry Award, James N. Spencer, winner of the ACS
Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution and Jack Beauchamp who
is being awarded the Peter Debye Award. We congratulate all of these individuals
and look forward to their award addresses.
We strongly encourage all interested to become members of the Division
and to maintain this membership. If you know of others with interests in
this area who are not members please encourage them to join as we need
all the members we can get! Revenue generated by the membership dues goes
towards many valuable activities of the Division. Membership application
forms can be found on the Division web page (see below). The Physical Division
has two vigorous subdivisions for theoretical and biophysical chemistry.
Richard Stratt and Robin Hochstrasser are the respective Chairs of these
subdivisions. Membership in the subdivisions is free for anyone who is
already a member of the Division of Physical Chemistry. We particularly
encourage graduate students to join ACS and the Division while they are
students. The cost of membership is low for students and the benefits are
significant. One of the most important ways that all members can contribute
to the Division is in playing a role in programming of future symposia
at National ACS meetings. With your suggestions you can take an active
role in guaranteeing the breadth and depth of these symposia. Current members
can forward their suggestions to Division Secretary Mark Gordon (
Please include the names of potential organizers as well as possible speakers
with your suggestions. Remember that the Program Chairs for the Division
operate with a 1-2 year lead-time for most symposia. In making your suggestions,
consider topics timely for the years 2000 and 2001. So join up and join
in helping us to provide the best programs for the future.
For additional information about the Division symposia for this year
and future years, as well as other information about the Physical Division,
please consult the Division web page at
This is actively maintained by Steve Bachrach with the assistance of Mark
Gordon and his administrative staff person Kristin Hinders.
We look forward to seeing you in Anaheim!
Notes from the Secretary
Mark Gordon
This newsletter contains information about the ACS national meetings
and any other items of interest to significant numbers of PHYS division
members. All members of the PHYS division are welcome and encouraged
to submit items for inclusion in the newsletter. The deadlines are
generally around December 1 and May 1 for the newsletters appearing before
the Spring and Fall ACS meetings, respectively. Feel free to submit information
to Kristin Hinders, Iowa State University, 231 Spedding Hall, Ames, IA
50011;; fax - (515) 294-5204.
Election Information
The Bylaws of the Division of Physical Chemistry, approved in 1977, call
for the Division Chair to appoint a three person nominating committee before
the spring meeting. A complete slate of candidates prepared by this committee
will consist of one candidate for Vice-Chair-Elect, one candidate
for each of two vacancies on the Executive Committee, and one candidate
for each vacancy that may have developed in the ranks of the Division Councilors,
Alternate Councilors, and Secretary-Treasurer position. The Vice-Chair-Elect
automatically becomes the Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate
Past-Chair in each succeeding year. Thus this person makes a commitment
to serve five years on the Executive Committee. In the year this person
serves as Chair-Elect the duties of Program Chair are also his or hers.
The term of office for other Executive Committee members, Councilors, and
Alternate Councilors is three years. The Secretary-Treasurer serves five
The Secretary-Treasurer is required to announce the slate of candidates
in the fall newsletter (which is part of the abstract separates for the
fall meeting).
To increase the input of the members in this nominating process and
to broaden the pool of candidates, the executive committee seeks input
directly from members for use by the nominating committee. Any member may
suggest nominees to any of the officers of the PHYS division in writing.
The nominee must agree to serve.
Additional nominations can come from the membership in the following
fashion: A petition candidate must be supported by the signatures of not
fewer than 4% of the members of the PHYS division in good standing (presently
approximately 3,200). No signature shall be valid if it appears on more
than one nominating petition for the same vacancy during the same calendar
A letter shall be submitted from each petition nominee stating willingness
to be a candidate for election and to serve the Division for a full term
if elected. No nominee may be a candidate for more than one vacancy. If
nominated for more than one vacancy, the nominee must choose which nomination
to accept.
Four weeks from the date of the mailing of the fall newsletter shall
be allowed for additional nominations to be received by the Secretary-Treasurer.
All valid nominations received within that period shall be accepted, and
no others.
If no valid nominations are forthcoming from the membership, the nominees
submitted by the Nominating Committee for Vice-Chair-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer
and membership on the Executive Committee are declared elected.
Regardless of whether petition nominees are validated or not, the Bylaws
require the Secretary-Treasurer to mail to every PHYS division member a
ballot that bears at a minimum the names and biographical sketches of the
single candidates for each Councilor and Alternate Councilor vacancy submitted
by the Nominating Committee.
New Officers
New Officers for the PHYS division are:
Geraldine Richmond Chair 1 year
George Schatz Chair-Elect 1 year
Daniel Neumark Vice-Chair 1 year
Richard M. Stratt Vice-Chair-Elect 1 year
Julia E. Rice Executive Committee 3 years
David W. Chandler Executive Committee 3 years
Michael T. Bowers Councilor 3 years
Joseph M. Jasinski Alternate Councilor 3 years
The first six physical chemists assumed their respective offices at
the close of the national ACS meeting in Boston, MA (August 1998). The
last two began their terms of service on January 1, 1999. The PHYS division
thanks outgoing officers Ellen B. Stechel (Chair), Geraldine Richmond (Chair-Elect),
George Schatz (Vice-Chair), Daniel Neumark (Vice Chair-Elect), Anne Meyers
(Executive Committee), Krishnan Raghavachari (Executive Committee), Michael
Bowers (Councilor), and Gil Nathanson (Alternate Councilor) for their service
to the Division.
Theoretical Subdivision
Theoretical Chemistry News is mailed semiannually to all members
of the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision. It includes news of symposia
at national meetings as well as information about the Theoretical Chemistry
Postdoctoral Position Clearinghouse.
Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates
of the Division of Physical Chemistry. To join the Theoretical Subdivision
notify the secretary, Michael Page, at the address in the table of officers.
Indicate that you wish to join and mention that you belong to the PHYS
division. If you do not belong to the Division, you may join both the Division
and the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision by completing the application
form at the end of this newsletter.
Theoretical Chemistry Awards
The Theoretical subdivision administers an award in computational chemistry
for theoretical chemistry graduate students. This year a first and second
place award, sponsored by IBM and the University of Minnesota Supercomputing
Institute will support the scholarly activity of theoretical chemistry
graduate students, and encourage the use of computers in theoretical chemistry.
Both awards carry with it 1000 node hours on the University of Minnesota-IBM
Shared Research Project Cluster of SP and RS6000 computers. In addition,
the first prizewinner receives a check in the amount of $2,500, the second
cash prize is $1,000. Applicants for these awards submit a research proposal
describing the scientific problem to be solved, and detailing how state-of-the-art
computers would help in solving their problem. The 1998 awardees were:
1st Prize: Venkataraman Pallassana, Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Virginia
2nd Prize: John A. W. Harkless, Department of Chemistry, University
of California, Berkeley
Biophysical Subdivision
Membership in the Biophysical Subdivision is free to dues-paying members
or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry. To join the Biophysical
Subdivision, notify the secretary, Gerald Babcock, at the address in the
table of officers. Indicate that you wish to join and mention that you
belong to the PHYS division. If you do not belong to the Division, you
may join both the Division and the Biophysical Subdivision by completing
the application form at the end of this newsletter.
Spring Meeting Technical
The 217th American Chemical Society National Meeting will be held in Anaheim,
CA, March 21-25, 1999. Dr. George Schatz, PHYS Division Program Chair,
has arranged for the breadth of modern physical chemistry to be featured
in seven symposia and a poster session on Wednesday evening devoted to
a wide range of topics. The topical symposiums and organizers are:
Unimolecular Reactions & Intramolecular Dynamics, Stephen J.
Klippenstein, Case Western Reserve University and David S. Perry, University
of Akron.
Linear Conjugated Polyenes: A Celebration of the Scientific Career of
Bryan Earl Kohler, Bruce S. Hudson, Syracuse University.
Structure at Electrochemical Interfaces by New Spectroscopic Probes
and Approaches, Andrzej Wieckowski, University of Illinois and Joseph
T. Hupp, Northwestern University.
Physical Chemistry of Sol-gel Materials, Jeffrey I. Zink and Bruce
S. Dunn, UCLA.
Free Radicals in Condensed Phases, David Bartels, Argonne National
Laboratory and Gregory K. Schenter, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics: in Honor of Ben Widom, A. D.
J. Haymet, University of Houston.
Liquids and Interfaces (in Honor of Doug Henderson), Randall B.
Shirts, Brigham Young University.
Co-sponsored Symposium
Heavy Element Complexes: The Convergence of Theory and Experiment (joint
with NUCL), James V. Beitz, Argonne National Laboratory and
David L. Clark, Los Alamos National LaboratoryAs is now customary, Program
Chair Schatz has arranged for the presentation of contributed talks in
each of the topical symposia. The contributed talks have been selected
by the individual symposium organizers, from among abstracts submitted
for the poster sessions that explicitly requested consideration for oral
presentation. The criterion for selection was close connection with the
topics addressed in the symposia. Abstracts not selected for oral presentation
were assigned to the poster sessions, unless the authors requested otherwise.
Awards Symposium
The Physical Chemistry Awards Symposium will be held Tuesday afternoon,
March 23, 1999. The award recipients who have chosen to present their work
in the Physical Chemistry Program are:
Jack Beauchamp, Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (sponsored by E.
I. DuPont de Nemours & Company, Inc.)
Richard Zare, E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy (sponsored by Rohm
and Haas Company)
Douglas Henderson, Joel Henry Hildebrand Award in the Theoretical and Experimental
Chemistry of Liquids (sponsored by Exxon Research & Engineering Company
and Exxon Chemical Company)
Benjamin Widom, ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry (sponsored by IBM Corporation)
James N. Spencer, ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution
(sponsored by Research Corporation)
Very Important Notice
A significant portion of the Division's annual income comes from the ACS
and is based, in part, on Division members’ attendance at the national
meetings. On the advance meeting registration form you will see a question
such as that given below. If you list the Physical Division, you will contribute
to our income and allow the Division to offer better symposia.
"Please list ALL of the division(s) to which you belong: " |
Call for Papers
Beginning with the National Meeting to be held in New Orleans, ACS will
offer on-line submission of abstracts. Authors are encouraged to utilize
this new system for the convenience and efficiency of all involved. Instructions
will given in the January 25 issue of C&E News and at the ACS Web-site, On-line submission begins March 8, 1999,
and closes April 15, 1999. Authors should note that the April 15 deadline
is a true deadline. The program will not be accessible after that day.
The deadline for paper abstracts is April 1, 1999.
The 218th American Chemical Society National Meeting will take place
in New Orleans, LA during the week of August 22-26, 1999. Dr. George Schatz,
1999 Physical Chemistry Division Program Chair, has arranged a technical
program consisting of 6 topical symposia and a general poster session.
The topical symposia and their organizers are:
Chromophore Aggregates, Shaul Mukamel, Department of Chemistry,
University of Rochester, River Station, Rochester, NY 14627-0216, (716)
275 3080, fax (716) 473-6889,; Graham Fleming,
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720,; Daniel Chemla, Material Sciences Division,
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, (510)
486-4999, fax (510) 486-7768.
Molecular Beam Imaging Experiments, Arthur Suits, Department of
Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, (510) 486-4754,
fax (510) 486-5311,; Bob Continetti, Dept. of Chemistry
and Biochemistry, University of Calif., San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La
Jolla, CA 92093-0314, (619) 534-5999, fax (619) 534-7042,
Electronically Nonadiabatic Processes in Gaseous, Cluster and Condensed
Media, Laurie Butler, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago,
5640 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, (773) 702-7206, fax (773) 702-5863,; Donald Truhlar, Department of Chemistry, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (612) 624-7555, fax (612) 626-9390,
Water Clusters, Liquid Water and Ice: Water in Biological Systems &
Heterogeneous Atmospheric Processes, Mark Johnson, Department of Chemistry,
Yale Univ., 225 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06520-8107, (203) 432-3916,
fax (203) 432-6144,; Richard Saykally, Department
of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, (510) 642-8269,
fax (510) 642-8369,
Chemical Waves, Fronts and Patterns, John Pojman, Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ. of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg,
MS 39406-5043, (601) 266-5035, fax (601) 266-6075,;
Irving Epstein, Department of Chemistry, Brandeis Univ., Mailstop 134,
Waltham, MA 02254-9110, (781) 736-2101, fax (781) 736-3457,;
Vitaly Volpert, Laboratoire d'analyse numirique, University Lyon I, Batiment
101, 43, bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeubanne Cedex, France, 33-472-448317,
fax 33-472-448053,
Theoretical Modeling of Electronic and NLO Materials, Shashi Karna,
Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Electronics Branch, Bldg. 914, Kirtland
AFB, NM 87117-5776, (505) 853-3158, fax (505) 846-2290,
Co-sponsored Symposia
First Accomplishments of Environmental Management Science Program (Cosponsored
with NUCL), P. G. Eller, MS C436, Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos,
NM 87545, (505) 667-7111, fax (505) 665-4459,
Quantum Chemistry at the Forefront: A Celebration of the 1998 Nobel
Prize in Chemistry (Cosponsored with COMP), Organizers to be announced.
The individual organizers of each of the topical symposia will select contributions
from those that specifically request an oral presentation. The criterion
for selection will be a close connection with the topics addressed in the
symposium. Since the organizers will not be able to accommodate all requests,
the poster sessions will be specifically organized to group posters by
symposium topic. While the symposia do cover a wide range of topics, they
cannot cover the full depth and breadth of physical chemistry. The division
welcomes general contributions to the poster sessions, which will be grouped
by subject area.
Abstracts should be submitted on-line (
from March 8 to April 15, 1999. On-line submission is preferred, however,
paper abstracts will be accepted for the New Orleans meeting and may be
submitted directly to the appropriate symposium organizer. The organizers
should receive paper abstracts no later than April 1, 1999. Authors are
strongly encouraged to submit their abstracts on-line.
Submission of Abstracts
Important notes for all contributed papers for presentation at
the New Orleans meeting, in either the topical symposia or the general
poster session
New abstract submission alternatives
Beginning with the New Orleans meeting, the ACS is offering a web-based
submission format, in addition to the traditional paper format that has
been used for years. A description of the requirements for paper
submission is given below. Instructions concerning the web-based
format are given in the January 25 issue of C&E News, and at the ACS
Web site (
Web-based submission is preferred for the New Orleans meeting, and will
be required for future ACS meetings.
Web-based submission opens:
March 8, 1999
Information and submission:
Abstract deadline (for Web submissions):
April 15, 1999
This is an ABSOLUTE deadline. The submission program will close April
15, 1999.
More Details available at the website and in the January 25 edition
of C&E News. |
Send Paper Abstract to:
The symposium organizer listed after the appropriate symposium title on
the Call for Papers.
Abstract form and information can be found:
Call 1-800-227-5558
Abstract deadline (for paper abstracts):
April 1, 1999
Abstract requirements: Submit 150 word
abstract via the ACS web-based submission form. Web submission is encouraged,
however, paper abstracts will be accepted for the New Orleans meeting.
One camera-ready original, on an ACS abstract form should be sent to the
symposium organizer, or, for general posters, to the Program Chair (Professor
George Schatz, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan
Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113, Abstracts sent via
FAX cannot be accepted. Additional information on abstract requirements
can be found in the January 25th issue of C&E News and at the ACS Web
site ( |
Request for oral presentation: Authors who send their contribution
to the program but wish their abstracts to be considered for possible oral
presentation in a topical symposium must attach a note to the abstract
submission so indicating, and identify the symposium in which oral presentation
is desired. They must also submit a copy of the abstract to the organizer
of the symposium in which they wish to make their presentation. Such abstracts
are due one week prior to the deadline.
Restrictions on Speakers for PHYS Symposiums
A speaker may give, at most, one invited talk in the PHYS division in
any one calendar year. Note that these rules do not apply to contributed
talks and posters, so there is still plenty of opportunity for all physical
chemists to present their research results in the PHYS division.
General Information for Contributed Papers
General Papers—Members are cordially invited to present papers at
the poster sessions. Abstracts should be submitted as instructed on the
preceding page, C&E News or the ACS Meetings web page,
The deadline, as published in C&E News and in the Newsletter, must
be observed to allow the ACS to compile the program and to print and to
circulate the abstracts.
Classification By Subject Area (Paper abstracts only)—Authors
are asked please to list, on the paper abstract form, those of the
following areas with which they prefer to see their poster papers classified
or they can list a specific topical symposium that is part of the program.
Dynamics and Relaxation
Materials and Macromolecules
Thermodynamics and Condensed Matter |
Spectroscopy, Clusters and Molecular Beams
Theoretical Chemistry
Biophysical |
Information and Rules Applying to All Contributed Poster Papers
No paper will be accepted unless an author expects to be present.
ACS Bylaws 3(a) require that "papers by American Chemists or chemical engineers
not members of the Society shall not appear on the program unless they
be joint with one or more Society members."
Prospective poster presenters who also submit papers to other Divisions
should inform the Chairman-Elect as to the Division, titles of papers and
co-authors by the deadline date.
Each poster paper will have a poster board measuring 4’x8’.
All illustrations, charts, and textual material to be posted must be prepared
in advance since materials for these purposes will not be available at
the meeting.
Posters should be mounted prior to the opening of the session and left
in place until the close. Authors are encouraged to be present the entire
There must be a heading (with lettering at least 1_" height) giving the
title of the papers, the author(s), their affiliation(s), and the number
assigned to it in the program.
Illustrative material will be read by attendees from a distance of 3’ or
more, so lettering on illustrations should be at least 3/8" high.
There should be a logical sequence (introduction, development and conclusion)
to the display and each sheet should be numbered.
Mounting the sheets on colored construction paper and using other techniques
for improving graphic impact will enhance the presentation's effectiveness.
Ease of reading is far more important than artistic flair. Certain color
combinations, for instance, may look beautiful but may be almost impossible
to read, especially in the absence of optimum lighting.
Do NOT mount illustrations on heavy stock, which is difficult to mount
on the poster boards.
Each author is responsible for mounting his or her material at least 1/2
hour prior to the opening of the assigned poster session and removing it
within 1/2 hour after the close of the session. ACS cannot assume any responsibility
for materials beyond those time limits.
Do provide sign-up sheets to record names and addresses of attendees who
wish more information.
Do bring duplicates of data and conclusions. Duplicating facilities
are unavailable through ACS.
ACS provides a modest supply of pushpins, masking tape and felt-tipped
pens but it is wise to bring your own. Upon advance request, ACS
will arrange for blackboards to be available in the room.
Admission to poster sessions will be by ACS meeting badge only.
A poster paper submitted to the Program Chair (before the deadline) for
presentation at a national meeting should be considered accepted unless
the author is specifically notified to the contrary by the Division of
Physical Chemistry Program Chairman.
Future ACS Meetings
San Francisco, CA, March 26-31, 2000
Program Chair: Daniel Neumark, Department of Chemistry, University of
California, Berkeley, CA 94720, (510) 642-3502, FAX (510) 642-6262,
Physical Chemistry in the 21st Century
A special symposium to mark the turn of the century will be organized
by the 2000 Program Chair, Daniel M. Neumark, University of California,
Berkeley. The symposium will consist of invited presentations, contributed
abstracts are not requested at this time. |
Aperiodic Metals and Metallic Glasses: Surface Properties, Pat Thiel,
Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, (515) 294-8985,
FAX (515) 294-0105,
Patterning, Functionalization, and Reactivity of Complex Solid Surfaces,
Janice E. Reutt-Robey, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University
of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, (301) 405-1807, FAX (301) 314-9121,; Doug Doren, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, (302) 831-1070, FAX (302) 831-6335,
The Physical Chemistry of Chirality, Janice M. Hicks, Department
of Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057-0001, (202) 687-5872,
FAX (202) 687-6209,
Potential Energy Surfaces: From Polyatomics to Macromolecules,
Liem X. Dang, EMSL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999,
Richland, WA 99352, (509) 375-2034,
FAX (509) 375-6631,; William L. Hase, Department of Chemistry,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, (313) 577-2694, FAX (313) 577-8822,
Physical Chemistry at High Pressure and Temperature, A. Paul Alivisatos,
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720,
(510) 643-7371, FAX (510) 642-6911,; Raymond
Jeanloz, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, (510) 642-2639, FAX (510) 643-9980,
Atmospheric Chemistry (Harold Johnston Festschrift), Charles E.
Miller, Department of Chemistry, Haverford College, Haverford, PA 19041-1392,
(610) 896-1388, FAX (610) 896-4904,
Frontiers of Protein Structure and Function, R. B. Gennis, Department
of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, 600 South Mathews Ave. Urbana,
IL 61821, (217) 333-9075,
FAX (217) 244-3186,; Martin Gruebele, Department of
Chemistry, 600 South Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, (217) 333-1624, FAX
217 244-0997,; Eric Oldfield, Department of Chemistry,
600 South Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801,
(217) 333-3374, FAX (217) 244-0997,
Co-sponsored symposium (co-listed by PHYS)
A Surface Chemistry Symposium Honor of Professor Gabor Somorjai (sponsored
by the Colloids & Surface Division), Francisco Zaera, Department
of Chemistry, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521,
(909) 787-5498, FAX (909) 787-3962,; Michel Van
Hove, Materials Science Department, Building 66, Lawrence Berkeley National
Lab, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, (510) 486-6160, FAX (510) 486-4995,
Washington, DC, August 20-25, 2000
Chemistry in Extreme Environments, Robert Morris (Air Force Research
Lab) and Dana Dlott (Illinois)
Very Low Temperature Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Bill Stwalley (U.
Industrial Applications of Theoretical Chemistry, Anne Chaka (Lubrizol)
and Bill Schneider (Ford)
Neutron Scattering, Herb Strauss (Berkeley) and Frans Trouw (Argonne)
Frontiers in Biophysical Theory, Ron Levy (Rutgers)
Pacifichem, Honolulu, HI, December 14-19, 2000
San Diego, CA, April 1-6, 2001
Chicago, IL, August 26-31, 2001
Request for Symposia Topics and Speakers
The Executive Committee solicits formal suggestions for symposia and speakers
for the meetings to be held in three years. These suggestions will be essential
input for organizing the programs of the meetings. Numerous symposia in
1998 and 1999 have been accepted based upon suggestions from our members.
For greatest effectiveness, please follow these suggestions:
a) Recommend a symposium topic, organizer and list of suggested speakers.
(A list of all PHYS symposia since Fall, 1996 appears below for information
b) Provide a brief description of the significance of the symposium.
The deadline for receipt of suggestions is August 1, 1999. (Address
these to the Secretary/Treasurer, Mark S. Gordon, at the address in the
table of officers.) The Executive Committee will meet in New Orleans in
August to plan the programs for 2001 and 2002.
Recent Symposia Topics
212th ACS National Meeting Orlando, FL August 25-29, 1996
Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Supercooled Liquids: Advances
and Novel Applications.
Bimolecular Interactions of Small Free Radicals
Highly Excited States: Relaxation, Reactions and Structure
Hyperthermal Energy Molecule/Surface Reactions
Performance of Quantum Chemical and Molecular Modeling Codes for Complex
Chemical Systems
100 Years of Physical Chemistry: A Celebration of the Birthday of the
Journal of Physical Chemistry
213th ACS National Meeting San Francisco, CA April 13 - 17, 1997
Frontiers in Electronic Structure Theory
Chemistry of Single Molecules
Kinetics of Growth on Surfaces
Symposium Honoring the Memory of Professor Brian E. Bent
Dynamics of Complex Systems: Peter Debye Award Symposium
Nanostructured Materials: Clusters, Composites & Thin Films
Orientation and Alignment in Chemical Processes
New Concepts in Surface Chemistry: Diffusive Motion of Atoms &
Molecules on Surfaces
214th ACS National Meeting Las Vegas, NV September 7-11, 1997
Biophysical Chemistry
Dynamics in Molecular Systems
Heterogeneous & Homogeneous Processes in the Atmosphere
Radiation Chemistry
Structure & Dynamics at Liquid Interfaces
Self-Assembling Thin Film Materials-Organized Multilayered Systems
/ Nanoscale and Patterned Assemblies
215th ACS National Meeting Dallas, TX March 29-April 2, 1998
Kinetics of Combustion Processes
Electron Transfer
Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Supercritical Fluids
Structure and Dynamics of Amorphous Materials and Glasses
Water at Surfaces
Electrochemistry at Nanostructured Materials
Device Applications of Nanoscale Material
216th ACS National Meeting Boston, MA August 23-27, 1998
Special Topics in High Resolution Spectroscopy
Structure and Reactivity of Complex Metal Oxide
A Celebration of 20 Years of the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry
Physical Properties of Polymeric Materials and Molecular Thin Films
Innovations in Teaching Physical Chemistry Concepts and Courses
Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry and Photophysics
Biophysical Program: Oxygen Activation in Metalloenzymes
Biophysical Program: Frontiers of Theory in Biophysical Chemistry
Biophysical Program: Ultrafast Protein Responses
Division of Physical Chemistry
Subdivisions of Biophysical and Theoretical Chemistry
We invite you to encourage non-members to join the PHYS division. It is
the professional organization devoted to physical chemistry and physical
chemists, and can be most successful with maximum participation by physical
chemists. Some of the more practical advantages of membership are:
1. Members receive, in advance, abstracts of the papers to be delivered
in the Division of Physical Chemistry programs at national meetings of
the ACS.
2. Members receive a newsletter with the abstracts of the National meetings
listing future symposia and divisional meetings, and giving the deadlines
for submission of papers to be presented at these meetings. The newsletter
is included with the abstracts of papers for convenience.
3. Members receive discounts on the purchase price of the complete bound
books of meeting abstracts. Discounts for other books and journals are
also available, and new arrangements are negotiated from time to time.
4. The Division of Physical Chemistry is an affiliate of the American
Institute of Physics, and members of the Division are eligible for a discount
on various AIP publications including The Journal of Chemical Physics.
5. The Division holds mixers at each national meeting of the ACS at
which a divisional program is presented. These events are held in conjunction
with a poster session and provide an excellent opportunity to meet other
physical chemists.
6. Members may vote and hold office in the Division and participate
in its activities. Division Affiliates may not vote and may not hold office.
Members and Affiliates are invited to suggest symposium topics, speakers
and organizers.
7. The Division maintains a close relationship with the Journal of
Physical Chemistry. Through the Division programs, and through cooperation
with the Journal of Physical Chemistry, we seek to call attention
to the vigorous and dynamic character of physical chemistry in this country,
and to stimulate intellectual cross-fertilization between the different
fields of research in physical chemistry.
8. The Division mounts important award symposia. The Debye, Hildebrand
and Theoretical Chemistry awards are given each year, and the Langmuir
Award every other year by the ACS. In addition, the Pure Chemistry and
Nobel Laureate Signature awards are frequent features in Division symposia.
9. In 1978 the Division established the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry.
There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision. The Subdivision
provides special services and participates fully in developing symposium
topics, at the national meetings, specifically for the theoretically inclined.
10. In 1994 the Division established the Subdivision of Biophysical
Chemistry. There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision.
The Subdivision provides special services and participates fully in developing
symposium topics, at the national meetings, specifically for the biophysically
Do your colleagues know?
Many physical chemists are not members of the ACS and are not aware of
the fact that they can become Affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry
and the subdivisions of Theoretical and Biophysical Chemistry without being
a member of the ACS itself. At $12.00 per year, the dues for Affiliates
are the same as for Members, as are many of the advantages of association
with the Division. (Division Affiliates may not hold elective office and
may not vote in Division elections.) Because it is expensive to make extensive
mailings to non-ACS members, to inform them of this option, we request
your assistance in publicizing this information.
Division of Physical Chemistry
American Chemical Society
Membership Application
City, State, Zip
Country, Postal Code
Telephone (w) ___________________ (h)
ACS member? NO YES ACS member #
Membership Categories: (qualification) (CIRCLE ONE)
Member (current ACS member) $12.00
Student (current Student ACS member) $3.00
Division Affiliate (Non-ACS member) $12.00
National Affiliate (current National Affiliate ACS member) $12.00
Subdivision Membership:
Theoretical Chemistry (no additional fee at this time)
Biophysical Chemistry (no additional fee at this time)
Total $ _____________
Payment: (please check one)
Check Enclosed (make checks payable to "American Chemical Society")
VISA/Mastercard American Express
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Signature: _____________________________
(Signature is required, regardless of method of payment)
Please mail this application (and check, if applicable) to:
ACS Member & Subscriber Services, PO Box 3337, Columbus, OH