American Chemical Society
Division of Physical Chemistry (PHYS)

Fall 2000


Chair (8/99-00) George Schatz
Department of Chemistry
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3113
(847) 491-5657, fax (847) 491-7713
Chair-Elect (8/99-00) Daniel Neumark
University of California
Department of Chemistry
237 Hildebrand
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 642-3502, fax (510) 642-6262
Vice-Chair (8/99-00) Richard M. Stratt
Brown University
Department of Chemistry
324 Brooke Street
Providence, RI 02912
(401) 863-3418, fax (401) 863-2594
Vice-Chair-Elect (8/99-00) John C. Hemminger
Department of Chemistry
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-6018, fax (949) 824-8571

Secretary-Treasurer (8/96-01) Mark Gordon
Iowa State University
and Ames Laboratory, USDOE
201 Spedding Hall
Ames, IA 50011
(515) 294-0452, fax (515) 294-5204

Past Chair (8/99-00) Geraldine Richmond
Department of Chemistry
University of Oregon
210 Willamette Hall
Eugene, OR 97403
(541) 346-4635, fax (541) 346-5859

Anne M. Chaka (97-2000) The Lubrizol Corp.

David W. Chandler (98-2001) Sandia National Lab

Steven A. Buntin (99-2002) NIST

Anthony Dean (97-2000) Exxon

Julia E. Rice (98-2001) IBM

Alexander L. Harris (99-2002) Bell Labs

Thom H. Dunning, Jr. (98-2000) PNNL

Edward M. (Ted) Eyring (2000-02) University of Utah

Michael Bowers (99-2001) Univ. of California, SB

Alvin L. Kwiram (2000-02) Univ. of Washington

A. Welford Castleman, Jr. (98-2000) Penn. State

Paul L. Houston (2000-02) Cornell University

Joseph M. Jasinski (99-2001) IBM Research

Gregory Voth (2000-02) University of Utah

Chair (8/99-00) Eric Oldfield
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-3374

Vice-Chair (8/99-00) Arieh Warshel
Department of Chemistry
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90033-1062
(213) 740-4114

Chair-Elect (8/99-00) William A. Eaton
Lab of Chem Physics, NIH
Bldg 5, Room 104
Bethesda, MD 20892-0520
(301) 496-6030

Secretary (8/94-00) Gerald T. Babcock
Dept. of Chemistry
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-9715 x257

Chair (8/99-00) Kenneth D. Jordan
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 624-8690

Vice-Chair (8/99-00) Edwin L. Siber
Department of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-0265

Chair-Elect (8/99-00) Susan C. Tucker
Dept. of Chemistry
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-2203

Secretary (8/95-00) Michael Page
Department of Chemistry
North Dakota State Univ.
Fargo, ND 58105
(701) 231-8291

Remarks from the DivisionChair for the
Washington ACS National Meeting, August 2000

George Schatz
Welcome to the Washington ACS National Meeting. Dan Neumark has again done a terrific job with this meeting, and I hope to see you there. For the second year in a row we will be holding a symposium in honor of a member of our division who has won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This year we celebrate Ahmed Zewail for his work on femtochemistry with a symposium on Sunday organized by Marcos Dantos. Other invited symposia for this meeting include: Chemistry Under Extreme Conditions, Very Low Temperature Dynamicsand Spectroscopy, Chemical Applications of Neutrons, Industrial Applications of Theoretical Chemistry, Frontiers in BiophysicalTheory, Proton Transport in Liquids, Solids and Proteins, Quantum Computing for the Next Millennium, Dynamics in Liquids, and Physical Chemistry of Nucleic Acids: In Memory of Matt Petersheim.

In addition to the invited symposia, we will be having the usual Divisional poster session on Wednesday night. This includes many poster papers that are connected with the invited symposia, along with posters that cover other areas of physical chemistry. Also, there will be a strong contingent of Physical Division posterpapers in the Sci-Mix program on Monday night.

Let me say "thanks" to Dan Neumark for organizing a fabulous program in San Francisco. The logistics of this program were unusually complicated due to two special programs. One was the millenium special symposium entitled Physical Chemistry in the 21st Century that was held on Sunday afternoon as a stand-alone session. The other was the Awards session, in which our nine national award winners gave talks. Both of these events were well attended, as was the extra large poster session that was held on Wednesday evening. I was also pleased to see a lot of interest in our regular symposia, many of which were packed to overflowing. The San Francisco meeting was the first meeting that was entirely based on the OASys on-line abstract submissions. While the ACS is still trying to get the kinks worked out of this system, (and this caused theSan Francisco version of this booklet to show up late for some people), the on-line system has been extremely popular, and we are pleased that 100% of our papers were submitted on OASys. Dan Neumark is to be commended for extra work needed to get the program organized this year.

Another activity of the Physical Division this year is the Pacifichem meeting that will be held Dec 14-19 in Hawaii. Marsha Lester has been our representative in organizing the meeting. This is a complicated job, given that the symposium organizersare scattered all around the Pacific Rim, but the resulting program (which you can see on the ACS Web page looks terrific. So let me say "thanks" to Marsha for a job well done.

The Physical Division continues to be actively involved in discussions with NSF Chemistry administrators at each ACS meeting (an activity that was initiated by us, and which now involves several other ACS divisions). The San Francisco version of thi smeeting was held on Saturday morning, and Geri Richmond and I were present. Janet Osteryoung, the head of NSF Chemistry, told us about upcoming initiatives, as well as changes in grants administration and staff. One change that will affect everyone is that Chemistry has switched to a window of submission that runs from the beginning of July until the beginning of January (precise dates can be found in the NSF web page, rather than having proposal deadlines or a completely open schedule. Another point which Janet noted was that NSF depends strongly on having high quality rotators to handle proposals. Openings for the two rotators in Physical Chemistry will be coming up each year, and the Physical Division needs to encourage top scientists to take these positions. The Physical Division has established a committee (composed on myself, Geri Richmond and Mark Gordon) who will help with this process, but our job will be made easier if we (or NSF) hears from volunteers. We would therefore encourage you to contact one of the committee members, or NSF, if you are interested in doing this.

Recently the Physical Division passed an important milestone. We now have over 3500 regular members! This means that we are classified as a division as far as the ACS is concerned. This has important financial ramifications, and starting in 2002 our revenue from meetings will go up by as much as 50%. Since our meeting revenue is all used to support programming at national meetings, this means that in a couple years we should be able to do much more than we have. Of course we can't be complacent about passing the 3500 member barrier, so let me encourage the readers of this newsletter to recruit their students and friends to be members. You don't have to be an ACS member to join, and it is easy to do using instructions that are given elsewhere in this booklet (or on the division web page which I give later). Alternatively, if you are already a member, it is easy to join when you get your annual statement from the ACS. For just $12 per year (less for students), membership provides you with a poster which announces symposium topics several months before each meeting,a nd then closer to the meeting, you receive this book that includes abstracts of papers given in the division, and the divisional newsletter. In addition, if you are a graduate student, you are eligible for a travel award to support travel to a meeting where you are presenting a paper. Most of the Division dues is used to support activities at meetings, and if Division members attend sessions, or give papers, we derive additional income that helps us to do even more. All division members can join our Subdivisions (Theoretical and Biophysical) for free, and receive their newsletters. You are also welcome to become involved in the Division by suggesting symposium topics for meetings. Current members can forward their suggestions to the Division Secretary, Mark Gordon ( Please include the names of potential organizers as well as possible speakers with your suggestions. Remember that Program Chairs for the Division operate with a 1-2 year lead-time for most symposia,so much of our planning at this point concerns 2001 and beyond.

This is my last newsletter as Chair of the Division. It has been an honor and privilege to serve these last few years as ViceChair, Program Chair and now Chair. I can assure you that the leadership of the division is in very good shape as Dan Neumark now takes over as Chair, Richard Stratt as Program Chair and John Hemminger as Vice Chair. In addition we continue to be very capably served by Mark Gordon in the Secretary-Treasurer position, alongwith his very efficient administrative staff person, Kristin Hinders. Finally let me mention that Tom Holme continues to serve as our publicity person and Steve Bachrach is our webmaster (

Election Information

Dear PHYS Division Member:
The Bylaws of the Division of Physical Chemistry, approved in 1977, call for the Division Chair to appoint a three person nominating committee before the spring meeting. A complete slate of candidates prepared by this committee will consist of one candidate for Vice-Chair-Elect, one candidate for each of two vacancies on the Executive Committee, and one candidate for each vacancy that may have developed in the ranks of the division Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and Secretary-Treasurer position. The Vice-Chair-Elect automatically becomes the Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate Past-Chair in each succeeding year. Thus this person makes a commitment to serve five years on the Executive Committee. In the year this person serves as Chair-Elect the duties of Program Chair are also his or hers. The term of office for other Executive Committeemembers, Councilors, and Alternate Councilors is three years. The Secretary-Treasurer serves five years.
The Secretary-Treasurer is required to announce the slate of candidates in the fall newsletter (which is part of the abstract separates for the fall meeting).
To increase the input of the members in this nominating processand to broaden the pool of candidates, the executive committee seeks input directly from members for use by the nominating committee. Any member may suggest nominees to any of the officers of the PHYS division in writing. The nominee must agree to serve.
Additional nominations can come from the membership in the following fashion: A petition candidate must be supported by the signatures of not fewer than 4% of the members of the PHYS divisionin good standing (presently approxi-mately 3,500). No signature shall be valid if it appears on more than one nominating petitionfor the same vacancy during the same calendar year.
A letter shall be submitted from each petition nominee stating willingness to be a candidate for election and to serve the Division for a full term if elected. No nominee may be a candidate for more than one vacancy. If nominated for more than one vacancy, the nominee must choose which nomination to accept.
Four weeks from the date of the mailing of the fall newsletter shall be allowed for additional nominations to be received by the Secretary-Treasurer. All valid nominations received within that period shall be accepted, and no others.
If no valid nominations are forthcoming from the membership, the nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee for Vice-Chair-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and membership on the Executive Committee are declared elected.
Regardless of whether petition nominees are validated or not, the Bylaws require the Secretary-Treasurer to mail to every PHYS division member a ballot that bears at a minimum the names and biographical sketches of the single candidates for each Councilor and Alternate Councilor vacancy submitted by the Nominating Committee.
Biographical sketches of all the nominees are found on pages 5 and 6. A ballot for Councilor and Alternate Councilor positionsis included immediately thereafter.

This year the Nominating Committee consisted of Geri Richmond, George Schatz and George Flynn.

They submitted the following slate of candidates:

BARBARA J. GARRISON: Arizona State University, BS (1971), University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. (1975). Penn State University, Assistant/Associate Professor (1979-1985), Professor (1986), Department Head (1989-1994), Distinguished Professor (2000). Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Young Faculty Award (1979), Teacher-Scholar Award (1984). Sloan Foundation Fellow (1980). American Chemical Society, Akron Section Award (1990), Garvan Medal (1994). American Physical Society, DCP Executive Committee (1993-1996), Fellow (1994). American Vacuum Society, Peter Mark Award (1984), Fellow(1994). Penn State Faculty Scholar Medal in Physical Sciences(1990). Council of Chemical Research, Governing Board (1992-1995).
Research Interests: Fast energy deposition processes at surfaces such as keV particle bombardment of solids and laser ablation; surface based mass spectrometry; molecular dynamics simulations of reactions at surfaces.
Member: ACS, APS, AVS

ARTHUR J. NOZIK: Cornell University, B. Ch.E. (1959), Yale University, M.S. (1962), Yale University, Ph.D. (1967). Professor Adjoint, University of Colorado, Boulder (1998 - Present); National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly Solar Energy Research Institute), Senior Research Fellow (1984 -present), Chief, Photoconversio nResearch Branch (1978 - 1984); Visiting Fellow, University ofColorado, Boulder (1985 -1988), Group Leader, Materials Research Center, Allied Chemical Corporation (1974 -1978); Central Research Division, American Cyanamid Company, Staff Scientist (1967 - 1974), Staff Engineer (1961 -1964); McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, Engineer(1959 -1960). Gordon Lecturer, Tel Aviv University (1995); American Western University U.S. DOE Laboratory Distinguished Lecturership (1989); NREL Directorís Award (1993): NREL Hubbard Award(1992); NREL Van Morris Award (1985); SERI Outstanding Achievement Award (1984); Senior Editor, Journal of Physical Chemistry (1993- Present); Fellow of the American Physical Society (1999).
Research Interests: Photoelectrochemistry; carrier dynamics (electroncooling, transport, interfacial transfer) and hot electron effects at semiconductor-solvated molecule interfaces; quantization effects in semiconductors (nanostructures and quantum dots, films, wires and quantum dot arrays); photochemical solar cells; photocatalysis; optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of semiconductors; solar energy conversion and storage.
Arthur J. Nozik has authored or co-authored approximately 135 manuscripts, 18 book chapters, 11 U.S. patents, and edited 4 books in the above fields.

ELLEN B. STECHEL: Ellen B. Stechel is currently Manager of the Chemistry Department in Ford Research Laboratories (FRL). She received her A.B. in Mathematics and Chemistry from OberlinCollege, Oberlin, Ohio in 1974. She received an MS in Physical Chemistry and completed her Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from the University of Chicago in 1976 and 1978, respectively. After a postdoctoral research position at the University of California, Los Angeles, she joined Sandia National Laboratories in a technical staff position in Condensed Matter Physics in late 1981. Her research interests have been varied including: computational theory of reactive scattering of A+BC and electron transfer reactions; quantum chaos; electronically stimulated processes on surfaces; electronicstructure of high Tc cuprates; and advanced algorithmic development and complex materials applications of density functional theory. She has authored/co-authored greater than 85 papers in various fields of chemical, surface and condensed matter physics. In 1993, she joined the Advanced Materials and Device Sciences Departmentat Sandia National Laboratories and became the manager of that department in 1994. She continued in the management position until she left Sandia in late 1998. From its inception in late 1997 until she left Sandia, she was co-technical director of a virtual center, Center for the Simulation of Complex Materials. In late1998, she joined Ford Research Laboratories as a Senior Staff Technical Specialist in the Physics Department. She also servesas a co-coordinator for the Computational Materials Science Network, a virtual network, sponsored by the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Scienceand a member of the Council on Materials Sciences for the same Division. She is a Senior Editor for the Journal of Physical Chemistry, an American Chemical Society publication, a specialist editor for Computational Physics Communications, and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Materials Chemistry. She has served in numerous professional society official and advisory positions, including the Panel on Public Affairs in the American PhysicalSociety. In the American Vacuum Society, she was Co-Program Chair for the 1994 National Meeting, served a three-year term on the Board of Directors, and is currently a Trustee for the society. Serving the ACS, she was an officer in PHYS from 1994-1999 including Program Chair (1997) and Chair (1998). She currently holds an elected position as PHYS divisional representative to the Committee on Science and she represents Ford Motor Company in ACS Corporate Associates.

Professional Memberships: ACS, APS, AVS, IEEE.

A. WELFORD CASTLEMAN, JR.: Born 1936. B.Ch.E. (1957) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D. (1969) Polytechnic Instituteof New York; on the staff of the Brookhaven National Laboratory(1958-1975); Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Mechanics and Earth and Space Sciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook (1973-1975); Professor of Chemistry and Fellow of CIRES,
University of Colorado, Boulder (1975-1982); Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, Cal Tech (1977); Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University (1982 - present); Evan Pugh Professor (1986 - present); U.S. Senior Scientist von Humboldt Awardee (1986); Doktors Honoris Causa from the University of Innsbruck, Austria (1987); ACS Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology award (1988); Fulbright Senior Scholar(1989); consultant to E. I. DuPont de Nemours.

Research Interests: Investigation of the dynamics of formation, the laser photophysics and spectroscopy, and the reactions andbonding of gas-phase clusters; elucidating through cluster research: solvation phenomena and its influence on reactivity, the dynamics of reactions in systems of restricted size using ultrafast lasertechniques, the physical basis for catalysis and surface phenomenaat the molecular level; and investigating the unique characteristics of clusters as
building blocks to cluster assembled materials and
elucidating fundamental processes of importance in atmospheric chemistry. In 1992 he reported the discovery of a new class of molecular clusters termed metallocarbohedrenes, or Met-Cars forshort.

Member: ACS, Penn State Center for Materials Physics, AGU

Fellow: American Association for the Advancement of Science(1985), American Physical Society (1985), Senior Fellow, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (1985)

A. Welford Castleman has authored or co-authored over 450 publications, as well as served as Senior editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry (since 1988); Editor-in-chief of a new book series by Springer Verlag dealing with the entire field of cluster science; and is currently serving on boards for Chemical Physics Letters, Advances in Chemical Physics, Research Trends, Understanding Chemical Reactivity (Reidel Series), and the Journal of Cluster Science.

JAMES L. SKINNER: Ph. D. 1979, Harvard University (Chemical Physics); A. M. 1977, Harvard University (Physics); A. B. 1975, University of California at Santa Cruz (Chemistry, Physics). Postdoctoral Research Associate, Stanford University, 1980 - 1981. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University, 1981 - 1985; Associate Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University, 1985 - 1986; Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University, 1986 - 1990; Joseph O. Hirschfelder Professor of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1990 - present; Director, Theoretical Chemistry Institute, University of Wisconsin,1990 - present. Fellow, American Physical Society, 1997; Humboldt Foundation Senior Scientist, 1993-97; Guggenheim Fellow, 1993-94; Phi Lambda Upsilon Fresenius Award, 1989; National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, 1984-89; Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 1984-89; Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1984-88; National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, 1980-81; National ScienceFoundation Graduate Fellow, 1975-78.

Research interests: theoretical chemistry of condensed phases; nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; dephasing and population relaxation processes; linear and nonlinear spectroscopy.

------------------------ cut & submit ballot----------------


I approve the nomination of Ellen Stechel for a Councilor position from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2003.



I approve the nomination of A. Welford Castleman for Alternate Councilor position from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2003.



Since there are two vacant positions and only one candidate has been nominated for each position, you may cast a yes vote for both of the above candidates without invalidating your ballot. Please return no later than October 1, 2000.

Voter's Signature
(will be removed from ballot by Teller)

Please send your BALLOT to:
Mark S. Gordon, Secretary-Treasurer,
201 Spedding Hall, Ames Laboratory,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011

Notes from the Secretary-Treasurer

Mark Gordon

This newsletter contains information about the ACS national meetings and any other items of interest to significant numbersof PHYS division members. All members of the PHYS division are welcome to submit items to the Secretary for inclusion in the newsletter. The deadlines are generally around December1 and May 1 for the newsletters appearing before the Spring and Fall ACS meetings, respectively. Submissions may be made via mail, FAX or e-mail.

Biophysical Subdivision

In response to member feedback, the Biophysical Subdivision was formed to support the growing number of physical chemists who study biological systems.

Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry. To join the Biophysical Subdivision, notify the secretary, Gerald Babcock, at the addressin the table of officers. Indicate that you wish to join and mention that you belong to the PHYS division. If you do not belong to the Division, you may join both the Division and the Biophysical Subdivision by completing the application form at the end of thisnewsletter.

Theoretical Subdivision

Theoretical Chemistry News is mailed semiannually to all members of the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision. It includes news of symposia at national meetings as well as information about the Theoretical Chemistry Postdoctoral Position Clearinghouse.
Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry. To join the Theoretical Subdivision notify the secretary, Michael Page, at the address in the table of officers. Indicate that you wish to join and mentionthat you belong to the PHYS division. If you do not belong to the Division, you may join both the Division and the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision by completing the application form at theend of this newsletter.
Theoretical Chemistry Awards
The Theoretical subdivision administers an award in computational chemistry for theoretical chemistry graduate students. This year a first and second place award, sponsored by IBM and the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute will support the scholarly activity of theoretical chemisty graduate students, and encourage the use of computers in theoretical chemistry. Both awards carry with it 1000 node hours on the University of Minnesota-IBM shared Research Project Cluster of SP and RS6000 computers. In addition the first prize winner receives a check in the amount of $2,500, the second cash prize is $1,000. Applicants for these awards submita research proposal describing the scientific problem to be solved,and detailing how state-of-the art computers would help in solving their problem.

The 1999 awardees were:
1st Prize: Graeme Henkelman, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington.
2nd Prize: Holly S. Randa, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah.

Request for Symposia Topics and Speakers

The Executive Committee has been soliciting formal suggestions for symposia and speakers for the meetings to be held in three years. These suggestions will be essential input for organizing the programs of the meetings. For greatest effectiveness, follow these suggestions: a) Recommend a symposium topic, organizer and list of suggested speakers. (A list of recent PHYS symposia follows for information purposes.)

b) Provide a brief description of the significance of the symposium.

Numerous symposia in 2000 have been accepted based upon thesesuggestions.

The deadline for receipt of suggestions is February 1, 2001. (Address these to the Secretary/Treasurer, Mark S. Gordon, at the address in the table of officers.) The Executive Committee will meet in Washington, DC in August to plan the programs for 2002 and 2003.

Recent Symposia Topics

214th ACS National Meeting

Las Vegas, NV

September 7-11, 1997

Biophysical Chemistry
Dynamics in Molecular Systems
Heterogeneous & Homogeneous Processes in the Atmosphere
Radiation Chemistry
Structure & Dynamics at Liquid Interfaces
Self-Assembling Thin Film Materials - Organized Multilayered Systems / Nanoscale and Patterned Assemblies
215th ACS National Meeting

Dallas, TX

March 29-April 2, 1998

Kinetics of Combustion Processes
Electron Transfer
Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Supercritical Fluids
Structure and Dynamics of Amorphous Materials and Glasses
Large Scale Electronic Structure Methods and Novel Applications
Water at Surfaces
Electrochemistry at Nanostructured Materials
Device Applications of Nanoscale Material
216th ACS National Meeting

Boston, MA

August 23-27, 1998

Special Topics in High Resolution Spectroscopy
Structure and Reactivity of Complex Metal Oxide 
A Celebration of 20 Years of the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry
Physical Properties of Polymeric Materials and Molecular Thin Films
Innovations in Teaching Physical Chemistry Concepts and Courses
Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry and Photophysics
Biophysical Program: Oxygen Activation in Metalloenzymes
Biophysical Program: Frontiers of Theory in Biophysical Chemistry
Biophysical Program: Ultrafast Protein Responses
217th ACS National Meeting

Anaheim, CA

March 21-25, 1999

Liquids and interfaces (in honor of Doug Henderson)
Free radicals in condensed phases
Unimolecular reactions and intramolecular dynamics
Physical chemistry of sol-gel materials
Frontiers of statistical mechanics: in honor of Ben Widom
Linear conjugated polyenes: A celebration of the scientific career of Bryan Earl Kohler
Structures of electrochemical interfaces by new spectroscopic probes and approaches
218th ACS National Meeting

New Orleans, LA

August 22-26, 1999

Water and Water Clusters
Chemical Waves, Fronts and Patterns
Chromophore Aggregates
Electronically Nonadiabatic Processes in Gaseous, Cluster and Condensed Media
Imaging in Chemical Dynamics
Modern Electronic Structure Theory: Celebrating the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
219th ACS NationalMeeting

San Francisco, CA

March 26-31, 2000

Aperiodic Metals and Metallic Glasses: Surface Properties
Patterning, Functionalization, and Reactivity of Complex Solid Surfaces
Proteins 2000: Frontiers of Protein Structure and Function
Potential Energy Surfaces: From Polyatomics to Macromolecules
Physical Chemistry of Chirality
Physical Chemistry at High Pressure and Temperature
Atmospheric Chemistry (Harold Johnston Festschrift) 

National ACS Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Technical Program

The 220th American Chemical Society National Meeting will take place in Washington, D.C. during the week of August 20-24, 2000.Dr. Daniel Neumark, 2000 Physical Chemistry Division Program Chair,has arranged for a broad range of topics in modern physical chemistryto be featured in symposia and a general poster session at thismeeting. The topical symposia and their organizers are:

Chemistry Under Extreme Conditions, Robert Morris, AFRL/VSBP, MORRIS@PLH.AF.MIL; Dana Dlott, University of Illinois,

Very Low Temperature Dynamics and Spectroscopy, William Stwalley, University of Connecticut,; Giacinto Scoles, Princeton University,

Chemical Applications of Neutrons, Herbert Strauss, University of California,

Industrial Applications of Theoretical Chemistry, Anne Chaka, Lubrizol Corporation,; Bill Schneider, Ford Motor Company,

Frontiers in Biophysical Theory, Ron Levy, Rutgers University,; Richard A. Friesner, Columbia University,

Proton Transport in Liquids, Solids and Proteins, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, University of Notre Dame,; David Silverman, University of Florida,

Quantum Computing for the Next Millennium, K. Birgitta Whaley, University of California,; Isaac Chuang, IBM,

Dynamics in Liquids, Michael Fayer, Stanford University,; John Fourkas, Boston College,

Physical Chemistry of Nucleic Acids: In Memory of Matt Petersheim, Richard D. Sheardy, Seton Hall University,

Femtochemistry: 1999 Nobel Prize Symposium, Marcos Dantus, Michigan State University,

Spring Meeting Call for Papers

San Diego, CA, April 1-5, 2001

Program Chair: Richard M. Stratt
Department of Chemistry
Brown University, 324 Brook St.
Providence, RI 02912
(401) 863-3418, FAX (401) 863-2594

Online abstract submission deadline for this meeting is November 1, 2000. ONLY electronic abstracts via the ACS online submittal system OASys will be accepted, except by special arrangement with the ACS symposium organizers before October 1, 2000. Abstract information can be located at

Probing Molecular Aqueous Environments in Chemistry and Biology, Teresa Head-Gordon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories,; and Lawrence R. Pratt, Los Alamos National Laboratories

Strong-Field Chemistry: Molecules and Clusters in IntenseLaser Fields, Robert Levis, Wayne State University,;and A. Welford Castleman, Pennsylvania State University

Chemical Approaches to Photonic Crystals, David J. Norris, NEC Research Institute,; and Vicki Colvin, Rice University,

Accurate Description of Low-Lying Molecular States and Potential Energy Surfaces, Kenneth G. Dyall, Eloret Corporation,Thermosciences Institute,; and Mark Hoffmann, University of North Dakota,

Molecular Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Peter M. Weber, Brown University,; and Stephen T. Pratt, Argonne National Laboratory,

Optical Studies of Single Molecules and Molecular Assemblies in Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Anne Myers Kelley, Kansas State University,; and Shimon Weiss, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,

Energy Landscapes of Proteins, Glasses, and Clusters: Dynamics, Folding, Function and Prediction, Jose Onuchic, University of California at San Diego,; Charles L. Brooks, III, The Scripps Research Institute,;and David Wales, Cambridge University,

American Chemical Society Awards Symposium, Richard M. Stratt (presiding), Brown University,

Submit your abstract on-line at the ACS website:  Please see the following page for more information.

As is now customary, Program Chair Stratt has arranged for the presentation of contributed talks in each of the topical symposia. The contributed talks will be selected by the individual symposium organizers from among abstracts that explicitly request consideration for oral presentation. The criterion for selection will be close connection with the topics addressed in the symposia. Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be assigned to the postersessions, unless the authors request otherwise. The individual organizers of each of the topical symposia will select contributions from those that specifically request an oral presentation. Since the organizers will not be able to accommodate all requests, the poster sessions will be specifically organized to group posters by symposium topic. While the symposia do cover a wide range oftopics, they cannot cover the full depth and breadth of physical chemistry. The division welcomes general contributions to the poster sessions, which will be grouped by subject area.

Very Important Notice

A significant portion of the Division's annual income is provided by the ACS, based in part on Division members' attendance at the national meetings. On the advance meeting registration form you will see a question such as that given below. If you list the Physical Division, you will contribute to our income and allow the Division to offer better symposia.
"Please list ALL of the division(s) to which you belong:_______________________________"

Restrictions on Speakers for PHYS Symposia

A speaker may give, at most, one invited talk in the PHYS division in any one calendar year. Note that this rule does not apply to contributed talks and posters, so there is still plenty of opportunity for all physical chemists to present their research results in the PHYS division.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstract requirements: Submit a 150 word abstract via the ACS web-based submission system, OASys. Submission instructions and information on abstract requirements can be found at the ACS Web site,

Request for contributed oral presentation: Authors who submit a contributed paper to the program and wish their abstract to be considered for possible oral presentation in a topical symposium must indicate such preference. The abstract should be submitted to the symposium in which oral presentation is desired, and is due one week prior to the deadline.

General Information for Contributed Papers

General Papers: Members are cordially invited to present papers at the poster sessions. Abstracts should be submitted as instructed on the ACS Meetings web page,  The deadline, as published in C&E News, on the OASys web site,and the call for papers must be observed to allow the ACS to compile the program and to print and to circulate the abstracts.

Information and Rules Applying to All Contributed Poster Papers

  1. No paper will be accepted unless an author expects to be present.
  2. ACS Bylaws 3(a) require that "papers by American Chemists or chemical engineers not members of the Society shall not appear on the program unless they be joint with one or more Society members."
  3. Prospective poster presenters who also submit papers to other Divisions should inform the Chairman-Elect as to the Division, titles of papers and co-authors by the deadline date.
  4. Each poster paper will have a poster board measuring 4'x8'.
  5. All illustrations, charts, and textual material to be posted must be prepared in advance since materials for these purposes will not be available at the meeting.
  6. Posters should be mounted prior to the opening of the session and left in place until the close. Authors are encouraged to be present the entire session.
  7. There must be a heading (with lettering at least 1" height) giving the title of the papers, the author(s), their affiliation(s), and the number assigned to it in the program.
  8. Illustrative material will be read by attendees from a distance of 3' or more, so lettering on illustrations should be at least 3/8" high.
  9. There should be a logical sequence (introduction, development and conclusion) to the display and each sheet should be numbered.
  10. Mounting the sheets on colored construction paper and using other techniques for improving graphic impact will enhance the presentation's effectiveness. Ease of reading is far more important than artistic flair. Certain color combinations, for instance, may look beautiful but may be almost impossible to read, especially in the absence of optimum lighting.
  11. Do NOT mount illustrations on heavy stock, which is difficult to mount on the poster boards.
  12. Each author is responsible for mounting his or her material at least 1/2 hour prior to the opening of the assigned poster session and removing it within 1/2 hour after the close of the session. ACS cannot assume any responsibility for materials beyond those time limits.
  13. Do provide sign-up sheets to record names and addresses of attendees who wish more information.
  14. Do bring duplicates of data and conclusions. Duplicating facilities are unavailable through ACS.
  15. ACS provides a modest supply of pushpins, masking tape and felt-tipped pens but it is wise to bring your own. Upon advance request, ACS will arrange for blackboards to be available in the room.
  16. Admission to poster sessions will be by ACS meeting badge only.
  17. A poster paper submitted to the Program Chair (before the deadline) for presentation at a national meeting should be considered accepted unless the author is specifically notified to the contrary by the Division of Physical Chemistry Program Chairman.

Future ACS Meetings - Pacifichem

Pacifichem, Honolulu, HI, December 14-19, 2000

The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem 2000, is established to disseminate recent research results in the chemical sciences among chemists of the Pacific Rim countries, thereby fostering industrial development, improving local and global environments, and enhancing the material well-being of the peoples of Pacific Rim countries. The Congress is cosponsored by the ACS, The Chemical Society of Japan, the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

The following 23 symposia are planned in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Area 10):

Future National ACS Meetings

San Diego, CA, April 1-5, 2001

Program Chair: Professor Richard Stratt, Department of Chemistry, Brown University, 324 Brook Street, Providence, RI 02912,

Chicago,IL, August 26-30, 2001

Program Chair: Professor Richard Stratt, Departmentof Chemistry, Brown University, 324 Brook Street, Providence, RI 02912,

Orlando, FL, April 7-11, 2002

Program Chair: Professor John C. Hemminger, Departmentof Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697,

Boston, MA, September 8-12, 2002

Program Chair: Professor John C. Hemminger, Departmentof Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697,


Theoretical Chemistry Web Site for Students

Theoretical chemistry lies at the interfaces among chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computational science, and has been greatly affected by the ongoing explosive growth in computer technology. It is an exciting and ever-more-important area of modern chemistry education and research. This web site offers an overview of the roles that theory plays within chemistry education and research, illustrates the wide impact that theory has within chemistry, introduces the reader to theoretical chemistry's modern day components, and provides guidance to students who may be interested in pursuing a career in chemistry. The level of presentation used ranges fromwhat motivated high school students can follow through that appropriate to a chemistry faculty member active in research.

Throughout the site, hundreds of references are provided that include widely used text books (including a link that offers full access to the author's text on the subject) as well as literature articles and world wide web contacts for many practicing theoretical chemists. A multitude of web links provide wonderful educational information from which students can gain further detail as well as links to additional exciting science material.

ACS Fellowships: Calling All Chemists
Sabbatical or Career Change Opportunity

Senior professionals and graduate students are invited to apply for one of the two American Chemical Society Congressional Fellowships and a Science Policy Fellowship. Work in the Congress or ACS usingyour scientific and technical expertise. Gain first-hand knowledge of the government and contribute to decision-making. For a brochure contact:

ACS Office of Society Services
1155 Sixteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 1-800-227-5558



ChemCenter is the Internet community for the chemical-related sciences. A world-class Web site for chemical professionals inindustry, education, and government worldwide, ChemCenter is also a resource for educators, students, and individuals who want reliable, accurate information about the chemistry and the American ChemicalSociety (ACS), the world's largest scientific organization.

Created by ACS in August 1996, ChemCenter helps users organize the vast number of electronic resources available today. It provideseasy access to the existing Web resources of the Society ACS Publications Division, Chemical Abstracts Services, and ACS Web. Unique features of ChemCenter include hourly updated chemistry news, Web cards, and "This Week in Chemical History." ACS and other credible sources frequently post information important to practicing chemists, such as professional services, conferences, publications, databases, education, shopping, and resources. Opportunities exist on the Web site for users to participate in an interactive, virtual community where they can maintain awareness of important scientific issues, engage in collaborative discussions with fellow specialists, and debate research and issues of interest.

ChemCenter's Washington-based development team, guided by asenior-level steering committee, is working to expand the content and features available on the site. We invite you to visit ChemCenter and share your comments and suggestions. Contact Louise Voress by phone (202-872-4563); by fax (202-776-8253); by e-mail (, or by snail mail (American Chemical Society, Room 525, 1155 16th St., NW,Washington, DC 20036).

California Chemist Named President-Elect of the World's Largest Scientific Society

Attila E. Pavlath, Ph.D., a chemist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Albany, California, has been named president-elect of the world's largest scientific society, the American ChemicalSociety. He was elected by a ballot vote of the Society's membership and assumed office on January 1, 2000. Pavlath will automatically become president of the Society in 2001 and serve as a member of the ACS Board of Directors from 2000-2002.

An accomplished researcher and long-time advocate for the chemical community, Pavlath plans to improve ACS by focusing on member concerns. "Our goal must be to address the challenges facing our profession and to make ACS a home equally attractive to chemical professionals from the youngest member to the most respected Nobel Laureate," he says.

Among his major initiatives, Pavlath pledges to improve chemistry education by strengthening the relationship between academe and industry, bring younger members into positions of leadership in ACS, and increase interaction with foreign chemical societies.

Pavlath is currently a scientist in the Process Chemistry & Engineering Research Unit of the USDA's Agricultural Researc hService at the Western Regional Research Center in Albany. Winner of numerous awards, he has published more than 100 journal articles, authored 25 patents, and written several books and book chapters.

Born in Hungary, Pavlath earned his doctorate from the Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, in 1955. He graduated with an engineering diploma from the Technical University of Budapest in 1952. Heresides in Walnut Creek, California.

 Do your colleagues know?

Many physical chemists are not members of the ACS and are not aware that they can become Affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry and the Subdivisions of Theoretical and Biophysical Chemistry without being a member of the ACS itself. The dues for Affiliates are the same as for Members, and many of the advantages of association with the Division are also the same (Division Affiliates may not hold elective office and may not vote in Division elections). Because it is expensive to make extensive mailings to non-ACS members, we request your assistance in publicizing this information. Please share the membership application on page 18 with anyone who may be interested in membership or affiliation with the Division of Physical Chemistry.


American Chemical Society

Division of Physical Chemistry
Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry
Subdivision of Biophysical Chemistry

We invite you to encourage non-members to join the PHYS division.It is the professional organization devoted to physical chemistry and physical chemists and can be most successful with maximum participation by physical chemists. Some of the more practical advantages of membership are:
  1. Members receive, in advance, abstracts of the papers to be delivered in the Division of Physical Chemistry programs at national meetings of the ACS.
  2. Members receive a newsletter with the abstracts of the National meetings listing future symposia and divisional meetings, and giving the deadlines for submission of papers to be presented at these meetings. The newsletter is included with the abstracts of papers for convenience.
  3. Members receive discounts on the purchase price of the complete bound books of meeting abstracts. Discounts for other books and journals are also available, and new arrangements are negotiated from time to time.
  4. The Division of Physical Chemistry is an affiliate of the American Institute of Physics, and members of the Division are eligible for a discount on various AIP publications including The Journal of Chemical Physics.
  5. The Division holds mixers at each national meeting of the ACS at which a divisional program is presented. These events are held in conjunction with a poster session and provide an excellent opportunity to meet other physical chemists.
  6. Members may vote and hold office in the Division and participate in its activities. Division Affiliates may not vote and may not hold office. Members and Affiliates are invited to suggest symposium topics, speakers and organizers.
  7. The Division maintains a close relationship with the Journal of Physical Chemistry. Through the Division programs, and through cooperation with the Journal of Physical Chemistry, we seek to call attention to the vigorous and dynamic character of physical chemistry in this country, and to stimulate intellectual cross-fertilization between the different fields of research in physical chemistry.
  8. The Division mounts important award symposia. The Debye, Hildebrand and Theoretical Chemistry awards are given each year, and the Langmuir Award every other year by the ACS. In addition, the Pure Chemistry and Nobel Laureate Signature awards are frequent features in Division symposia.
  9. In 1978 the Division established the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry. There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision. The Subdivision provides special services and participates fully in developing symposium topics, at the national meetings, specifically for the theoretically inclined.
  10. In 1994 the Division established the Subdivision of Biophysical Chemistry. There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision. The Subdivision provides special services and participates fully in developing symposium topics, at the national meetings, specifically for the biophysically inclined.

Physical Chemistry Division Membership Application

On-line Application for the American Chemical Society