Spring 2011 Newsletter














            Call For Nominations for the Executive Committee

            Election Information and Ballot

            Notes from the Secretary

Council Report

Biophysical Subdivision

            Theoretical Subdivision

            Energy Subdivision

            Poster Session Awards

            Request for Symposia Topics and Speakers

            Recent Symposia Topics

            Technical Program — 242th National Meeting — Denver, CO

            Restrictions for Speakers for PHYS Symposia

            Submission of Abstracts

            General Information for Contributed Papers

            Future ACS Meetings


            Membership Information

            Membership Application






















Chair (8/10-11) Mark A. Johnson

Department of Chemistry, Yale University

New Haven, CT 06520-8107

(203) 436-4930, fax (203) 432-6144



Chair Elect (8/10-11) Sharon Hammes-Schiffer

Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

 (814) 865-6442, fax  (814) 863-5319



Secretary/Treasurer (8/06-11) Anne B. McCoy
Ohio State University, Department of Chemistry

Columbus, OH 43210

(614) 292-4992, fax (614) 292-1654


Vice-Chair ((8/10-11)   Martin Gruebele

Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois

Urbana, IL 61801

(217) 333-1624, fax (217)244-3186



Vice Chair Elect (8/10-11)  Joel Bowman

Department of Chemistry , Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia  30322

404-727-6592: fax 404-727-6628



Past Chair (8/10-11)  Martin Head-Gordon

Department of Chemistry, University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720

(510) 642-5957, fax (510) 643-1255

mhg@ cchem.berkeley.edu


Robert Cave  (8/08-11)  Harvey Mudd College

Ted Goodson (8/09-12) University of Michigan

Frank Keutsch (8/10-13) University of Wisconsin - Madison

Caroline Chick-Jarrold (8/08-11) Indiana University

Sotiris Xantheas (8/09-12)  PNNL

Angela Wilson (8/10-13) University of North Texas


John E. Adams (09-11) University of Missouri

Ellen Stechel (10-12) Sandia National Labs

Michael R. Berman (09-11) AFOSR

Paul Jagodzinski (11-13)  Northern Arizona University


Xiaoyang Zhu (09-11)  University of Texas

Jianpeng Ma (11-13) Baylor College of Medicine

Mary J. Shultz (10-12), Tufts University

Rob Walker (11-13) Montana State University


Chair (8/10-11)  Douglas J. Tobias

Department of Chemistry

University of California, Irvine

(949) 824-4295



Chair-Elect (8/10-11)  Greg Engel
  Department of Chemistry
University of Chicago
(773) 834-0818


Vice-Chair (8/10-11) Judy Kim
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Califormia San Diego
(858) 534-8080



Past Chair (8/10-11)  Christine Payne

  Department of Chemistry

Georgia Tech

(404) 385-3125



Chair  (8/10-11) C. David  Sherrill

Department of Chemistry, Georgia Tech

(404) 894-4037





Chair-Elect (8/10-11) Phillip Geissler

Department of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley




Vice-Chair (8/10-11)  Laura Gagliardi
Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota
Minneapolis,  Minnesota  5545-0431



Secretary Jan Steckel

 (412) 386-4430



Past Chair  (8/10-11)  Gerhard Hummer

Laboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institutes of Health




Chair (8/10-11) Emily A. Carter

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Princeton University

(609) 258-5391



Chair-Elect (8/10-11) John C. Hemminger

Department of Chemistry
University of California, Irvine

(949) 824-6022




Vice-Chair (8/10-11)  William Schneider

Department of Chemistry

University of Notre Dame

(574) 631-8754



Past Chair (8/10-11) Bruce D. Kay

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

 (509) 386-0028







Call for Nominations for the Executive Committee


The nominations committee, comprised of Martin Head-Gordon, Mark Johnson and Fleming Crim, is seeking nominations for opened positions on the executive committee.  The positions include:


Vice-chair elect, two members of the executive committee, two councilors, and one alternate councilor.


The vice-chair elect is a multi-year position as an officer in the division.  The vice-chair elect in 2011 will be the vice chair in 2012; chair elect and program chair in 2013; chair in 2014 and immediate past chair in 2015.  Following our tradition of alternating between experimentalists and theorists in the executive committee, the next vice-chair elect will be an experimentalist.


Please send suggestions directly to the PHYS division, acspchem@chemistry.ohio-state.edu at your earliest convenience but not later than May 31, 2011


Election Information and Ballot


The Bylaws of the Division of Physical Chemistry, approved in 1999, call for the Division Chair to appoint a three-person, Nominating Committee before the spring meeting.  A complete slate of candidates prepared by this committee will consist of one candidate for Vice-Chair-Elect, one candidate for each vacancy on the Executive Committee, and one candidate for each vacancy that may have developed in the ranks of the division Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and Secretary/Treasurer position.  The Vice-Chair-Elect automatically becomes the Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate past-Chair in each succeeding year.  Thus, this person makes a commitment to serve five years on the Executive Committee.  In the year this person serves as Chair-Elect, the duties of Program Chair are also his or hers.  The term of office for other Executive Committee members, Councilors, and Alternate Councilors is three years.  The Secretary/Treasurer serves five years.


The Secretary/Treasurer is required to announce the slate of candidates in the fall newsletter.


To increase the input of the members in this nominating process and to broaden the pool of candidates, the Executive Committee seeks input directly from members for use by the Nominating Committee.  Any member may suggest nominees to any of the officers of the PHYS division in writing.  The nominee must agree to serve.


Additional nominations can come from the membership in the following fashion:  A petition candidate must be supported by the signatures of not fewer than 4% of the members of the PHYS division in good standing (presently approximately 5,500).  No signature shall be valid if it appears on more than one nominating petition for the same vacancy during the same calendar year.

A letter shall be submitted from each petition nominee stating willingness to be a candidate for election and to serve the Division for a full term if elected.  No nominee may be a candidate for more than one vacancy.  If nominated for more than one vacancy, the nominee must choose which nomination to accept.


The Secretary shall distribute the list of nominees to all members of the Division. Additional nominations may then be made as follows:  Each nominee or slate of nominees must be supported by signatures of not less than four percent of the members of the Division in good standing. No signature shall be valid if it appears on more than one nominating petition for the same vacancy during the same calendar year. A letter shall be submitted from each nominee stating willingness to be a candidate for election and to serve the Division for a full term if elected. No nominee may be a candidate for more than one vacancy. If nominated for more than one vacancy the nominee must choose which nomination to accept.


Councilors and Alternate Councilors shall be elected by ballot in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY.


The Secretary shall distribute to each member of the Division a ballot containing the name of all candidates for positions of Councilor and Alternate Councilor, and for each other vacancy for which more than one candidate has been nominated.


New Officers for the PHYS division follow. The first six physical chemistry officers assumed their respective offices at the close of the national meeting in Boston, MA.  The Councilors and Alternate Councilors began their terms of service on January 1, 2011.


Mark Johnson, Chair                                                         1 year

Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Chair Elect                          1 year

Martin Gruebele, Vice Chair                                             1 year

Joel Bowman, Vice-Chair Elect                                       1 year                    

Frank Keutsch, Executive Committee                           3 years

Angela Wilson, Executive Committee                             3 years                  

Paul Jagodzinski (re-elected), Councilor                      3 years

Jianpeng Ma, Alternate Councilor                                   3 years

Robert Walker, Alternate Councilor                                                3 years


The Physical Chemistry Division thanks outgoing officers Martin Head-Gordon (Chair), Mark Johnson (Chair-Elect), Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (Vice-Chair), Martin Gruebele (Vice-Chair Elect), Vicki Grassian (Executive Committee), C. David Sherrill (Executive Committee), Gang-Yu Liu (Alternate Councilor), Veronica Vaida (Alternate Councilor) for their service to the Division.


Notes from the Secretary/Treasurer

Anne B. McCoy


This newsletter contains information about the ACS national meetings and any other items of interest to significant numbers of PHYS Division members.  All members of the PHYS Division are welcome to submit items to the Secretary for inclusion in this newsletter.  The deadlines are generally around August 1 and March 1 for the newsletters appearing after the Spring and Fall ACS meetings, respectively.  Submissions may be made via mail, FAX, or e-mail.  The current ACS Bylaws & Regulations may be viewed at:




Click on the link to Documents of the Committee and then on the link to Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations of the American Chemical Society (Bulletin 5).


A copy of the bylaws and regulations is also included on the Division’s web page (https://phys-acs.org/phys_bylaws_2_2010.pdf)


Biophysical Subdivision

Douglas Tobias

The mission of the Biophysical Subdivision is to suggest and help organize symposia and activities for PHYS Division members with an interest in biophysical chemistry. We would like to bring your attention to the "Advances in
 Microscopy" symposium at the Fall, 2011 ACS meeting in Denver, which should be of interest to biophysical chemists. We welcome suggestions for symposium topics and volunteers for organizers of symposia at future ACS
 meetings. Any PHYS member interested in organizing a biophysical symposium should contact the chair, Doug Tobias. Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry.
 To join the Biophysical Subdivision, notify the chair, Doug Tobias, at the address in the table of officers.  Indicate that you wish to join and mention that you belong to the PHYS Division. If you do not belong to the PHYS Division,
 you may join both the Division and the Biophysical Subdivision by completing the application form at the end of this newsletter.

Theoretical Subdivision

C. David Sherrill


Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry.  To join the Theoretical Subdivision, notify our Subdivision secretary, Jan Steckel.

Please note there are several symposia at the Fall national meeting in Denver that will be of interest to theoretical chemists.  These include "Pushing The Envelope: Computational Chemistry at the Petascale and Beyond," "Excited State Dynamics: Theory and Experiment," and "Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Chemistry and Physics." If you have suggestions for theoretical symposia at upcoming national meetings, please send then to the chair, David Sherrill.

Finally, we invite your nominations for the ACS Physical Chemistry Division Award in Theoretical Chemistry (due Nov 1) and the Graduate Student Award in Computational Physical Chemistry (due Aug 1).  See the Division website for more details.

Energy Subdivision

Emily A. Carter


The Energy Subdivision was created in 2010 to address fundamental physiochemical phenomena relevant to the efficient conversion, storage, and utilization of energy and its impact on the environment.   Physical chemistry
 provides the scientific foundation for many energy-related technologies such as combustion, catalysis, fuel cells, energy storage, and solar (both photocatalysis and photovoltaic),  and plays a central role in understanding related
 issues in climate change, and carbon capture and sequestration.  The Subdivision works closely with the Division and the Theoretical and Biophysical Subdivisions in developing energy-related programming for symposia at 
national meetings.
The inaugural officers for the Subdivision were Bruce D. Kay (Chair) of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Emily A. Carter (Chair-Elect) of Princeton University, and John C. Hemminger (Vice-Chair) of the University o
f California at Irvine.  William F. Schneider of the University of Notre Dame joined the leadership team in 2011. Currently, the leadership is Emily A. Carter (chair), John C. Hemminger (chair-elect), and William F. Schneider (vice-
Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry.  To join the Energy Subdivision complete and submit the application form at the end of this newsletter


Student Poster Awards

Sharon Hammes-Schiffer


The winners of the Physical Chemistry Student Poster Award Competition at the Spring 2011 ACS meeting in Anaheim, CA were:


Ethan Trana, Northwestern University, “Correlating electron transfer within the [Myoglobin (Mb), b5] complex with conformation using a suite of Mb surface-charge mutants.”


Leif Jacobson, The Ohio State University,New fragment method for condensed-phase quantum chemistry.”


Nicole Richards, University of California (Irvine), ”Nitrate ion photolysis in thin water films

in the presence of bromide ions.”


Scott Donald, University of Virginia, “Dynamically biased RRKM calculations of activated gas-surface reaction dynamics: Application to the dissociative chemisorption of CH4 on Pt(111) with rotation as a spectator.”


Lu Wang, University of Wisconsin, “Development and validation of transferable amide I vibrational frequency maps for peptides.”


Mikhail Vinaykin, University of California Los Angeles, “Orientational dynamics in vibrational SFG line shapes.”


Christopher Johnson, University of California San Diego, “Extraction of the 1D barrier to H + CO2 in the reaction of OH and CO by direct inversion of experimental tunneling data.” (Special Student Poster Award in Honor of Renowned Kineticist Sid Benson)


Request for Symposia Topics and Speakers

Sharon Hammes-Schiffer


The Executive Committee solicits formal suggestions for symposia and speakers for the meetings to be held in future years.  The Executive Committee met in Anaheim, CA in March, 2011, to plan the programs for 2012.  We will finalize the programs during the ACS meeting in Denver, CO in August 2011.  Please send your suggestions to the 2012 Program Chair, Martin Gruebele, or the 2013  Program Chair, Joel Bowman, at the address in the table of officers.  The deadline for receipt of suggestions is July 1 of the preceding year.  These suggestions will be essential input for organizing the programs of the meetings.  For greatest effectiveness, follow these guidelines:

a) Recommend a symposium topic, organizer, and list of suggested speakers (a list of recent PHYS symposia follows for informational purposes).

                    b)                 Provide a brief description of the significance of the symposium.


Recent Symposia Topics


233rd ACS National                 Capturing Complexity in Physical Sciences Simulations

           Meeting                          Dynamics on the Nanoscale

         Chicago, IL                      Measures of Accuracy and Reliability in Molecular Simulation

March 25-29, 2007                  Structure and Dynamics at the Liquid-Liquid Interface

                                                    The Biophysics of RNA

                                                    Vibrational Spectroscopy as a probe of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics:

                                                            Theory and Experiment

                                                    Implications and Applications of Chirality in Physical Chemistry


234th  ACS National                Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Novel Imaging Techniques for Biomolecular Systems

            Meeting                         Emergence of Function in Molecular Assemblies

         Boston, MA                      Computational Electrochemistry for New Energy

August 19-23, 2008                Hydration: From Clusters to Aqueous Solution

                                                    Structural Determination, Refinement, and Modeling of Large Biomolecular Complexes

                                                    Excited Electronic States in Chemistry and Biology: Theory and Experiment

                                                    Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics: Can One Avoid the Other?

                                                    Biological Ion Channels: From Molecular Structure to Cellular Function



235th ACS Nation                     Physical Chemistry of Atmospheric Processes

          Meeting                           Optical Probes of Dynamics in Complex Environments

New Orleans, LA                Multiscale Modeling in Biophysics

April 6-10, 2008                       Computational Spectroscopy

                                                    Nanostructured Materials

                                                    Electronic Structure and Reaction Dynamics of Open-Shell Species

                                                    Spectroscopy, Chemistry and Imaging Through Nanophotonics


236th ACS National                 Water Mediated Interactions

          Meeting                           Advances in the Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Systems and Organometallics

   Philadelphia, PA                   Spectroscopic Probes of Chemical Dynamics in Gaseous and Condensed Phases

August 17-21, 2008                Protein Folding Dynamics: Experiments and Theory

                                                    Recent Advances in Biophysical Chemistry of Transport by Biomolecular  Motors and Machines

                                                    Fundamental Advances in Contemporary NMR Spectroscopy

                                                    Centennial of the Physical Division: Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future


237th ACS National                 New Developments in Energy Conversion and Light-Harvesting

          Meeting                           Advances in Electronic Structure Theory and First Principles Dynamics

 Salt Lake City, UT                   Attosecond Science- The Next Frontier

March 22-26, 2009                  Convergence Between Theory and Experiment in Surface Chemistry and Catalysis

                                                    Functional Motions in Enzyme Catalysis

                                                    Molecular Hydrogen in Nanoporous Materials: Meeting Ground for Theory and Experiment

                                                    From Clusters to the Condensed Phase: Progress in Polarizable Force Fields and Simulation

                                                    Chemical Methods of Nanofabrication


238th ACS National                 Molecular Basis of Protein Aggregation and Amyloid Filbril Formation

      Meeting                               New Developments in Strongly Correlated Electrons

   Washington, DC                   25 Years of ZEKE

August 16-20, 2009                Protected Metallic Clusters, Quantum Wells and Metal-Nanocrystal Molecules in Fundamental and   Applied Chemistry

                                                    The Physical Chemistry of Photon to Fuel Converstion

                                                    Graphitic Materials

                                                    Fluorescence Microscopy Beyond the Diffraction Limit

                                                    Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gaseous and Condensed Phases


239th ACS National                 Multiscale Nanomaterials, Polymer, and Biomolecular Dynamics

          Meeting                           Optical Science and Emerging Energy Technologies

San Francisco, CA                  Recent Advances in Observational and Experimental Astrochemistry

March 21-25, 2010                  Dynamics in Clusters and Floppy Systems: Theory and Experiment

                                                    Fluorescent Probes in Biophysics and Chemistry

Measuring and Manipulating Condensed Phase Chemistry in Time and Frequency: Celebrating 50 Years of the Laser

Physical Chemistry of Ionic Liquids


240th ACS National                 Electrons in Bio-Molecules

          Meeting                           Molecular Systems for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion and Storage

        Boston, MA                       Challenges for Density Functional Theory

August 22-26, 2010                Physical Chemistry of Spectrochemical Analysis

                                                    Metals in Biology

Physical Chemistry of Hydrates, Interfaces and Aerosols and Their Relationship to Climate

Recent Advances in Ion Mobility for Analysis and Characterization of Macromolecules

Chemical Computations on General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GP-GPUs)


241st ACS National                Membrane Protein Structure and Function

          Meeting                           Fragment and Local Orbital Methods in Electronic Structure Theory

       Anaheim, CA                     20 Years of Tunneling Pathways

March 27-31, 2011                  Chemical Reactions and Dynamics at Surfaces: Advances in Experiment and Theory

                                                    Chemical Carbon Mitigation: A Physiochemical Approach

Quantum Information and Computation in Chemistry: Experiment and Theory

Infrared Spectroscopy of Gas and Condensed Phase Biomolecules



A significant portion of the Division’s annual income is provided by the ACS, based in part on Division members’ attendance at the national meetings.  On the advance meeting registration form, you will see a question such as that given below.  If you list the Physical Division, you will contribute to our income and allow the Division to offer better symposia.



Fall 2011 Meeting

August 28- September 1, 2011, Denver, CO

Program Chair:  Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 865-6442, shs@chem.psu.edu


The symposia and their organizers are:


From Ultrafast Electron Transfer to Single Molecule Spectroscopy: Forces Driving Contemporary Themes in Physical Chemistry, Gilbert C. Walker (University of Toronto), Stephan Link (Rice University), Christy Landes (Rice University)


Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry, Heather C. Allen (The Ohio State University), Martina Roeselova (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)


Advances in SERS and Molecular Plasmonics, Lasse Jensen (Pennsylvania State University), Richard P. Van Duyne (Northwestern University)


Pushing the Envelope: Computational Chemistry at the Petascale and Beyond, Theresa L. Windus (Iowa State University), Mark S. Gordon (Iowa State University and Ames Lab)


  Symposium in Honor of 100th Anniversary of Marie Curie’s Nobel Prize for International Year of Chemistry, Geri Richmond (University of Oregon), Ellen Stechel (Sandia National Laboratories), Jeanne M. Robinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


  Excited State Dynamics, John Herbert (The Ohio State University), Stephen Bradforth (University of Southern California)


  Advanced Microscopy Techniques for Biophysical Questions, Christine K. Payne (Georgia Institute of Technology), Eric O. Potma (University of California, Irvine)


Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Chemistry and Physics, David A. Mazziotti (The University of Chicago), Herschel A. Rabitz (Princeton University), Neil Shenvi (Duke University)


Spring 2012  Meeting

March 25- 29, 2012, San Diego, CA

Program Chair: Martin Gruebele, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, (217)333-1624, gruebele@scs.illinois.edu


The planned symposia and their organizers are:


Water Mediated Chemical Assembly, Dor Ben Amotz (Purdue), Dimitry Matyyushov (Arizona State University)


Single Molecules: Theory meets Experiment, Jianshu Cao (MIT), Alice Ting (MIT)


From Geochemistry to Biochemistry: the Origin of Life, Veronica Vaida (University of Colorado), Sheref Mansy( Trento), Ulrich Miller (University of California San Diego)


Frontiers of Catalysis, Zdenek Dohnalek (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Roger Rousseau (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Nonadiabatic Dynamics: Surface Hopping and Beyond, Xiaosong Li (University of Washington), Oleg Prezhdo (University of Rochester)


Current Views on  Secondary Structure, Dean Decatur (Oberlin College), Feng Gai (Pennsylvania State University), Angel Garcia (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute),


Physical Chemistry of CO2 Separation, William Schneider (University of Notre Dame), Abhoyit Bhown (Electric Power Research Institute)

Restrictions on Speakers for PHYS Symposia


A speaker may give, at most, one invited talk in the PHYS Division in any given meeting.  Note that this rule does not apply to contributed talks and posters, so there is still plenty of opportunity for all physical chemists to present their research results in the PHYS Division.


Submission of Abstracts


Abstract Requirements:  Submit a 150-word abstract via the ACS web-based submission system.  Submission instructions and information on abstract requirements can be found at the ACS Web site, http://www.acs.org/meetings.

Request for Contributed Oral Presentations:  Authors who submit a contributed paper to the program and wish their abstract to be considered for possible oral presentation in a topical symposium must indicate such preference.  The abstract should be submitted to the symposium in which oral presentation is desired and is due one week prior to the deadline.


General Information for Contributed Papers


General Papers – Members are cordially invited to present papers at the poster sessions.  Abstracts should be submitted as instructed on the ACS Meetings web page, http://www.acs.org/meetings.  The deadline, as published in C&E News and the call for papers must be observed to allow the ACS to compile the program and to print and to circulate the abstracts.


Future National ACS Meetings


Denver, CO August 28- September 1, 2011                                                            Philadelphia, PA  August 19-23, 2012

  Program Chair: Sharon Hammes-Schiffer                                                             Program Chair: Martin Gruebele

           Pennsylvania State University                                                                                                       University of Illinois

University Park, PA16802; shs@chem.psu.edu                                                     Urbana, IL; gruebele@scs.illinois.edu 


San Diego, CA March 25-29, 2012                                                                                      New Orleans, LA  April 7-11, 2013

Program Chair: Martin Gruebele                                                                                               Program Chair: Joel Bowman

University of Illinois                                                                                                                                                    Emory University

Urbana, IL; gruebele@scs.illinois.edu                                                                                 Atlanta, GA, bowma@emory.edu


Information and Rules Applying to All Contributed Poster Papers

1.       No paper will be accepted unless an author expects to be present.

2.       ACS Bylaws 3(a) require that “papers by American Chemists or chemical engineers not members of the Society shall not appear on the program unless they be joint with one or more Society members.”

3.       Prospective poster presenters who also submit papers to other Divisions should inform the Chairman-Elects as to the Division, titles of papers and co-authors by the deadline date.

4.       Each poster paper will have a poster board measuring 4’x8’.

5.       All illustrations, charts, and textual material to be posted must be prepared in advance since materials for these purposes will not be available at the meeting.

6.       Posters should be mounted prior to the opening of the session and left in place until the close.  Authors are encouraged to be present the entire session.

7.       There must be a heading (with letter at least 1” height) giving the title of the papers, the author(s), their affiliation(s), and the number assigned to it in the program.

8.       Illustrative material will be read by attendees from a distance of 3’ or more, so lettering on illustrations should be at least 3/8” high.

9.       There should be a logical sequence (introduction, development and conclusion) to the display and each sheet should be numbered.

10.    Using techniques for improving graphic impact will enhance the presentation’s effectiveness.  Ease of reading is far more important than artistic flair.  Certain color combinations, for instance, may look beautiful but may be almost impossible to read, especially in the absence of optimum lighting.

11.    Do NOT mount illustrations on heavy stock, which is difficult to mount on the poster boards.

12.    Each author is responsible for mounting his or her material at least ˝ hour prior to the opening of the assigned poster session and removing it within ˝ hour after the close of the session.  ACS cannot assume any responsibility for materials beyond those time limits.

13.    Do provide sign-up sheets to record names and addresses of attendees who wish more information.

14.    Do bring duplicates of data and conclusions.  Duplicating facilities are unavailable through ACS.

15.    ACS provides a modest supply of pushpins, masking tape, and felt-tipped pens, but it is wise to bring your own.  Upon advance request, ACS will arrange for blackboards to be available in the room.

16.    Admission to poster sessions will be by ACS meeting badge only.

17.    A poster paper submitted to the Program Chair (before the deadline) for presentation at a national meeting should be considered accepted unless the author is specifically notified to the contrary by the Division of Physical Chemistry Program Chair.


American Chemical Society, Division of Physical Chemistry
Subdivisions of Theoretical Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry and Energy
We invite you to encourage non-members to join the PHYS division.  It is the professional organization devoted to physical chemistry and physical chemists and can be most successful with maximum participation by physical chemists.  Some of the more practical advantages of membership are:
1.              Members are eligible to receive the Physical Chemistry Division Award in Theoretical Chemistry (established in 2009) or the Physical Chemistry Division Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry (established in 2011).
2.             Members receive a newsletter listing future symposia and divisional meetings and giving the deadlines for submission of papers to be presented at these meetings.  
3.             The Division of Physical Chemistry is an affiliate of the American Institute of Physics, and members of the Division are eligible for a discount on various AIP publications including The Journal of Chemical Physics.
4.             The Division holds mixers at each national meeting of the ACS at which a division program is presented.  These events are held in conjunction with a poster session and provide an excellent opportunity to meet other physical chemists.
5.             The Division holds a joint reception with the Journal of Physical Chemistry at the fall National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
6.             Members may vote and hold office in the Division and participate in its activities.  Division Affiliates may not vote and may not hold office.  Members and Affiliates are invited to suggest symposium topics, speakers, and organizers.
7.             The Division maintains a close relationship with the Journal of Physical Chemistry.  Through the Division programs and through cooperation with the Journal of Physical Chemistry, we seek to call attention to the vigorous and dynamic character of physical chemistry in this country and to stimulate intellectual cross-fertilization between the different fields of research in physical chemistry.
8.             The Division hosts important awards symposia.  The Debye, Hildebrand, and Theoretical Chemistry awards are given each year, the Langmuir Award every other year by the ACS.  In addition, the Pure Chemistry and Nobel Laureate Signature awards are frequent features in Division symposia.
9.             In 1978, the Division established the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry.  There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision.  The subdivision provides special services and participates fully in developing symposium topics at the national meetings, specifically for the theoretically inclined.
10.          In 1978, the Division established the Subdivision of Biophysical Chemistry.  There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision.  The subdivision provides special services and participates fully in developing symposium topics at the national meetings, specifically for the biophysically inclined.
11.          In 2009, the Division established the Energy Subdivision.  There is no additional fee for membership in the Subdivision.  The subdivision provides special services and participates fully in developing symposium topics at the national meetings.
12.          The Division supports programming in Physical Chemistry at Regional Meetings of the American Chemical Society.

City, State, Zip                                   
Country, Postal Code                      
Telephone (w)                                                       (h)                                                       
ACS Member?              NO              r                 YES             r                 ®                ACS member #             
Membership Categories (qualification)          (CIRCLE ONE)
r                 Member (current ACS member)   $15.00
r                 Student (current Student ACS member)          $  5.00
r                 Division Affiliate (Non-ACS member)              $15.00
r                 National Affiliate (current National Affiliate ACS member)                  $15.00
Subdivision Membership
r                 Theoretical Chemistry (no additional fee at this time)
r                 Biophysical Chemistry (no additional fee at this time)
r                 Energy (no additional fee at this time)
        Total $        
Payment:  (please check one)
r                 Check enclosed (make checks payable to “American Chemical Society”)
r                 VISA/MasterCard         r                 American Express
Card Number:                                   
Expiration Date:                                
(Signature is required, regardless of method of payment)
Please mail this application (and check, if applicable) to:
ACS Member & Subscriber Services
P. O. Box 82229
Columbus, OH   43202