American Chemical Society

Division of Physical Chemistry

Spring 2002

Chair (8/01-02) Richard M. Stratt
Brown University, Department of Chemistry 
324 Brook Street 
Providence, RI 02912 
(401) 863-3418, fax (401) 863-2594

Chair-Elect (8/01-02) John C. Hemminger
University of California-Irvine, Department of Chemistry 
Irvine, CA 92697 
(949) 824-6020, fax (949) 824-3168

Secretary-Treasurer (8/01-06) Kenneth D. Jordan
University of Pittsburgh Department of Chemistry
Chevron Science Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 624-8690, Fax (412) 624-8611

Vice-Chair (8/01-02) James L. Skinner
University of Wisconsin, Department of Chemistry 
Madison, WI 53706 
(608)262-0481, fax (608) 262-9918

Vice-Chair-Elect ( 8/01-02) David Nesbitt
University of Colorado, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 492-8857, Fax (303) 735-1424

Past Chair (8/01-02) Daniel Neumark
University of California, Department of Chemistry 
237 Hildebrand 
Berkeley, CA 94720 
(510) 642-3502, fax (510) 642-3635

Steven A. Buntin (99-02) NIST 

Barbara Garrison (00-03) Penn. State Univ. 

David Norris, (01-04) NEC Research Inst.

Alexander L. Harris (99-02) Bell Labs 
Arthur Nozik (00-03) NREL 
Anne McCoy (01-04) Ohio State University
Michael Bowers (02-04) Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

Edward M. (Ted) Eyring (00-02) University of Utah

Alvin L. Kwiram (00-02) Univ. of Washington 

Ellen Stechel (01-03) Ford Motor Co.

Paul L. Houston (00-02) Cornell University

Joseph Golab (02-04) BP Naperville Complex

Gregory Voth (00-02) University of Utah 

A. Welford Castleman, Jr. (01-03) Pennsylvania State University

Chair (8/01-02) Arieh Warshel
Department of Chemistry, 
University of Southern California 
Los Angeles CA 90033-1062 
(213) 740-4114

Chair-Elect (8/01-02) Peter G. Wolynes
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
University of California, San Diego 
La Jolla, CA 92093-0332 
(213) 740-4114

Vice-Chair (8/02-03) To Be Announced

Secretary (8/01-02) To Be Announced

Past Chair (8/01-02) William A. Eaton
NIH, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Building 5, Room 104
Bethesda, MD 20892-0520
(301) 496-6030

Chair (8/01-02) Edward L. Sibert
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin 
Madison WI 53706 

Vice-Chair (8/01-02) John Straub
Chemistry Department, Boston University 
590 Commonwealth Ave. 
Boston, MA 02215 

Chair-Elect (8/01-02) Martin Head-Gordon
Department of Chemistry, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 642-5957

Secretary (8/00-03) Anne M. Chaka
Computational Chemistry Group
NIST 838.00
100 Bureau Drive STOP 8380
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8380
(303) 975-2481

Past Chair (8/01-02) Susan C. Tucker
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis 
Davis, CA 95616 
(530) 752-2203

Remarks from the Chair

Physical Chemistry Division

for the ACS National Meeting in Orlando, April, 2002

Richard M. Stratt

If I can wax philosophical for a minute, I have always thought of physical chemistry as being about the fundamentals, about stripping away the inessentials and really learning how molecules do what they do. Indeed much of the progress that our field has made stems from the continuing development of new experimental and theoretical techniques for looking at basic problems, as revealed by the simplest, cleanest, and best-defined chemical systems we could find. But one of the reasons that modern physical chemistry has the vitality and the excitement that it does is because the range of problems that are becoming amenable to this kind of well-controlled study is expanding at a staggering rate. The Spring Orlando program assembled by 2002 program chair, John Hemminger, provides a terrific example.

Can one think of little levers and gears functioning at a molecular level? Can you lubricate molecules so they slide over one another? Two symposia, Dynamics and Friction at Submicron Confining Systems and Forces in Biology, explore the usefulness of taking a mechanical perspective on molecular behavior. What role does the detailed molecular structure of enzymes play in their biological activity? Three different symposia, Modern Aspects of Structure-Function Correlations of Biomolecules: Enzyme Action, Modern Aspects of Structure-Function Correlations of Biomolecules: Electrostatic Aspects, and Modern Aspects of Structure-Function Correlations of Biomolecules: Phosphoryl and Nucleotidyl Transfer Reactions, examine the physical chemistry of catalysis, binding, and ion transport. How much do we understand of how environmental contaminants move between the land, the water and the air? A symposium entitled Chemistry and the Environment in the 21st Century: Environmental Chemistry at Interfaces looks at the some new problems in the physical chemistry of surfaces. Can you make electronic components a molecule at a time? A symposium on Organic and Molecular Electronics examines the possibilities. How does macromolecular recognition occur? What do we know about the molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease? Two symposia, Biophysical Chemistry of Protein Binding Events and Structural and Mechanistic Aspects of Amyloid Fibril Formation, tackle these intriguing topics. How far can we push our understanding of the dynamics of chemical reactions? Two other symposia, Frontiers in Chemical Dynamics and Molecular Modeling and Simulation of Reaction Mechanisms, Kinetics and Catalysis, look at the dynamics of chemical processes in systems ranging from helium clusters to industrially relevant catalysts.

On top of all this, the Spring meeting is traditionally when the Physical Chemistry division honors the people who have won the 2001 national American Chemical Society awards in our field. On Tuesday we will hear talks from Marion C. Thrunauer, winner of the Francis P. Garvin-John M. Olin Medal; Mostafa A. El-Sayed, winner of the Irving Langmuir Award; Klaus Ruedenberg, winner of the ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry; Hongjie Dai, winner of the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry; Giacinto Scoles, winner of the Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry; Bruce Berne, winner of the Joel Henry Hildebrand Award in the Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry of Liquids; and Takeshi Oka, winner of the E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy. Congratulations to all of them! And, of course, the Wednesday evening of every meeting is reserved for the general Physical Chemistry poster session. Do you want to find out everything that is going on in physical chemistry? Socialize with your colleagues? Or simply give the officers of the Physical Chemistry Division a hard time? Come to the poster session!

Looking ahead a little, I should also mention some things about the Fall 2002 meeting, to be held in Boston, August 18-22, 2002. The deadline for abstracts will be March 22, 2002, so please make sure to keep that in mind as you prepare for the Spring meeting. The Fall meeting will also mark the debut of the Division's awards to be given out for the best posters.Details, including the eligibility requirements, will be announced on the Division's web site and in the Division's Fall meeting poster.

If you haven't already done so, I would urge you to consider becoming a member of the Physical Chemistry division. Students are especially welcome. Membership applications are available outside the physical chemistry meeting rooms and membership costs only $12, whether or not you're a member of the ACS (and only $3 if you're a full-time undergraduate or graduate student and a member of the ACS). Your membership helps the division support the symposia we put on at each national meeting -- and for your membership you receive a free copy of our newsletter (including all of the abstracts of all of the physical chemistry papers submitted to each national meeting). I would also urge you to contribute ideas for possible future symposia by contacting Jim Skinner (, the program chair for the 2003 national ACS meetings. Most of the symposia we sponsor begin with suggestions from the physical chemistry community.

Finally, let me express my gratitude to the immediate past officers and staff of the Physical Chemistry division. The hard work and thoughtful leadership of Dan Neumark, the past chair, and Mark Gordon, the past secretary treasurer, were instrumental in the continued success of the division. Ken Jordan, the new secretary-treasurer, and I will have some difficult acts to follow. I also cannot say enough about the stellar contributions of Kristin Hinders, the division's past administrative assistant. I hope that you will take the opportunity to let me know ( of any ways in which you think that the Physical Chemistry division can better serve its membership or help contribute to the field of Physical Chemistry.

Election Information

Dear PHYS Division Member:

The Bylaws of the Division of Physical Chemistry, approved in 1997, call for the Division Chair to appoint a three person nominating committee before the spring meeting. A complete slate of candidates prepared by this committee will consist of one candidate for Vice-Chair-Elect, one candidate for each vacancy on the Executive Committee, and one candidate for each vacancy that may have developed in the ranks of the division Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and Secretary-Treasurer position. The Vice-Chair-Elect automatically becomes the Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate Past-Chair in each succeeding year. Thus this person makes a commitment to serve five years on the Executive Committee. In the year this person serves as Chair-Elect the duties of Program Chair are also his or hers. The term of office for other Executive Committee members, Councilors, and Alternate Councilors is three years. The Secretary-Treasurer serves five years.

The Secretary-Treasurer is required to announce the slate of candidates in the fall newsletter (which is part of the abstract separates for the fall meeting).

To increase the input of the members in this nominating process and to broaden the pool of candidates, the executive committee seeks input directly from members for use by the nominating committee. Any member may suggest nominees to any of the officers of the PHYS division in writing. The nominee must agree to serve.

Additional nominations can come from the membership in the following fashion: A petition candidate must be supported by the signatures of not fewer than 4% of the members of the PHYS division in good standing (presently approxi­mately 3,500). No signature shall be valid if it appears on more than one nominating petition for the same vacancy during the same calendar year.

A letter shall be submitted from each petition nominee stating willingness to be a candidate for election and to serve the Division for a full term if elected. No nominee may be a candidate for more than one vacancy. If nomi­nated for more than one vacancy, the nominee must choose which nomination to accept.

Four weeks from the date of the mailing of the fall newsletter shall be allowed for additional nominations to be received by the Secretary-Treasurer. All valid nominations received within that period shall be accepted, and no others.

If no valid nominations are forthcoming from the membership, the nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee for Vice-Chair-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and membership on the Executive Committee are declared elected.

Regardless of whether petition nominees are validated or not, the Bylaws require the Secretary-Treasurer to mail to every PHYS division member a ballot that bears at a minimum the names and biographical sketches of the single candidates for each Councilor and Alternate Councilor vacancy submitted by the Nominating Committee.

New Officers for the PHYS division follow. The first seven physical chemistry officers assumed their respective offices at the close of the national meeting in Chicago. The Councilors and vice-councilors begin their terms of service on January 1, 2002.
Richard M. Stratt, Chair 1 year
John C. Hemminger, Chair-Elect 1 year
James L. Skinner, Vice-Chair  1 year
David Nesbitt, Vice-Chair Elect 1 year
Kenneth D. Jordan, Secretary-Treasurer 5 years
David J. Norris, Executive Committee 3 years
Anne McCoy, Executive Committee 3 years
Mike Bowers, Councilor 3 years
Joseph Golub, Alternate Councilor 3 years

The Physical Chemistry Division thanks outgoing officers Dan Neumark (Chair), Richard M. Stratt (Chair-Elect), John C. Hemminger (Vice-Chair), James Skinner (Vice-Chair-Elect), Mark Gordon (Secretary-Treasurer), David Chandler (Executive Committee), Julia Rice (Executive Committee), Mike Bowers (Councilor) and Joseph Jasinski (Alternate Councilor) for their service to the Division.

Notes from the Secretary-Treasurer

Kenneth D. Jordan

This newsletter contains information about the ACS national meetings and any other items of interest to significant numbers of PHYS division members. All members of the PHYS division are welcome to submit items to the Secretary for inclusion in the newsletter. The deadlines are generally around December 1 and May 1 for the newsletters appearing before the Spring and Fall ACS meetings, respectively. Submissions may be made via mail, FAX or e-mail.

The current ACS Bylaws & Regulations may be viewed at:\index.html.

A copy of the bylaws & regulations is also included on the Division’s web page.

Biophysical Subdivision

In response to member feedback, the Biophysical Subdivision was formed to support the growing number of physical chemists who study biological systems.

Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry. To join the Biophysical Subdivision, notify the Chair, Arieh Warshel, at the address in the table of officers. Indicate that you wish to join and mention that you belong to the PHYS division. If you do not belong to the Division, you may join both the Division and the Biophysical Subdivision by completing the application form at the end of this newsletter.

Theoretical Subdivision

A nominating committee, consisting of Susan Tucker, Greg Voth, and William Swope, has selected John Straub as the new Vice-Chair of the Subdivision. We welcome John aboard. We all thank Suzi, outgoing Subdivision Chair, for her commitment and service to the Subdivision over the years.

Graduate Student Awards in Computational Chemistry

The Theoretical Subdivision administers an award in computational chemistry for theoretical chemistry graduate students. Applicants for these award submit a research proposal describing the scientific problem to be solved, and detailing how state-of-the art computers would help in solving their problem. The award, sponsored by IBM and the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, support the scholarly activity of theoretical chemistry graduate students, and encourage the use of computers in theoretical chemistry. This year there are two awardees. Both awards carry 2500 node hours on the University of Minnesota IBM SP supercomputer. In addition the first place awardee receives $2,500 and the second place awardee receives $1,000. The 2001 awardees are: 

1st Prize: Collin Wick, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota. Advisor: Professor Ilja Siepmann. Proposal: "Simulation Studies of Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography".

2nd Prize: Feng Wang, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh. Advisor: Professor Kenneth Jordan. Proposal: "Drude Oscillator Models to Incorporate Dispersion Interactions into Model Potentials Describing the Interaction of Excess Electrons with Clusters of Polar Molecules".

Theoretical Chemistry News is mailed semiannually to all members of the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision. It includes news of symposia at national meetings as well as information about the Theoretical Chemistry Postdoctoral Position Clearinghouse.

Subdivision membership is free to dues-paying members or affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry. To join the Theoretical Subdivision notify the secretary, Anne Chaka, at the address in the table of officers. Indicate that you wish to join and mention that you belong to the PHYS division. If you do not belong to the Division, you may join both the Division and the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision by completing the application form available on the Division’s web page:

Request for Symposia Topics and Speakers

The Executive Committee solicits formal suggestions for symposia and speakers for the meetings to be held in future years. The Executive Committee will meet in Orlando in April and in Boston in August to plan the programs for 2003 and 2004. Please send your suggestions to the Secretary/Treasurer, Kenneth D. Jordan, at the address in the table of officers. The deadline for receipt of suggestions is February 15, 2002, for the Executive Committee Meeting in Orlando, and July 15, 2002, for the Boston meeting in August. These suggestions will be essential input for organizing the programs of the meetings. For greatest effectiveness, follow these suggestions: (a) Recommend a symposium topic, organizer and list of suggested speakers. (A list of recent PHYS symposia follows for information purposes.) and (b) provide a brief description of the significance of the symposium.

Recent Symposia Topics

215th ACS National Meeting
Dallas, TX
March 29-April 2, 1998
Kinetics of Combustion Processes 
Electron Transfer 
Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Supercritical Fluids 
Structure and Dynamics of Amorphous Materials and Glasses 
Large Scale Electronic Structure Methods and Novel Applications 
Water at Surfaces 
Electrochemistry at Nanostructured Materials 
Device Applications of Nanoscale Material
216th ACS National Meeting
Boston, MA
August 23-27, 1998
Special Topics in High Resolution Spectroscopy 
Structure and Reactivity of Complex Metal Oxide
A Celebration of 20 Years of the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry 
Physical Properties of Polymeric Materials and Molecular Thin Films 
Innovations in Teaching Physical Chemistry Concepts and Courses 
Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry and Photophysics 
Biophysical Program: Oxygen Activation in Metalloenzymes 
Biophysical Program: Frontiers of Theory in Biophysical Chemistry 
Biophysical Program: Ultrafast Protein Responses
217th ACS National Meeting
Anaheim, CA
March 21-25, 1999
Liquids and interfaces (in honor of Doug Henderson) 
Free radicals in condensed phases 
Unimolecular reactions and intramolecular dynamics 
Physical chemistry of sol-gel materials 
Frontiers of statistical mechanics: in honor of Ben Widom 
Linear conjugated polyenes: A celebration of the scientific career of Bryan Earl Kohler 
Structures of electrochemical interfaces by new spectroscopic probes and approaches
218th ACS National Meeting
New Orleans, LA
August 22-26, 1999
Water and Water Clusters 
Chemical Waves, Fronts and Patterns 
Chromophore Aggregates 
Electronically Nonadiabatic Processes in Gaseous, Cluster and Condensed Media
Imaging in Chemical Dynamics 
Modern Electronic Structure Theory: Celebrating the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
219th ACS National Meeting
San Francisco, CA
March 26-31, 2000
Aperiodic Metals and Metallic Glasses: Surface Properties 
Patterning, Functionalization, and Reactivity of Complex Solid Surfaces 
Proteins 2000: Frontiers of Protein Structure and Function 
Potential Energy Surfaces: From Polyatomics to Macromolecules 
Physical Chemistry of Chirality 
Physical Chemistry at High Pressure and Temperature 
Atmospheric Chemistry (Harold Johnston Festschrift)
220th ACS National Meeting
Washington D.C.
August 20-24, 2000
Chemistry Under Extreme Conditions 
Very Low Temperature Dynamics and Spectroscopy 
Chemical Applications of Neutrons 
Industrial Applications of Theoretical Chemistry 
Frontiers in Biophysical Theory 
Proton Transport in Liquids, Solids and Proteins 
Quantum Computing for the Next Millennium 
Dynamics in Liquids 
Physical Chemistry of Nucleic Acids: In Memory of Matt Petersheim 
Femtochemistry: 1999 Nobel Prize Symposium
221st ACS National Meeting
San Diego, CA
April 1-5, 2001
Probing Molecular Aqueous Environments in Chemistry and Biology
Strong-Field Chemistry: Molecules and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields
Chemical Approaches to Photonic Crystals
Accurate Description of Low-Lying Molecular States and Potential Energy Surfaces
Optical Studies of Single Molecules and Molecular Assemblies in Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Molecular Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Energy Landscapes of Proteins, Glasses, and Clusters: Dynamics, Folding, Function and Prediction
Awards Symposium
222nd ACS National Meeting
Chicago, IL
August 26-30, 2001
Computational Chemistry in the Undergraduate Curriculum
Dissociative Recombination of Molecules with Electrons
First-Principles Simulation of Chemical Dynamics
Molecular Electronics
Physical Chemistry of Gas-Particle Interactions
Signal Processing in Chemistry
Stereochemistry in Aligned Environments
Three-Dimensional Silicon-Oxygen Cages: Materials for the 21st Century
What Can We Really Learn About Condensed Phases from Clusters?

Graduate Student Travel Fellowships

Fellowships of $300.00 were awarded to graduate students to offset conference registration, travel or local expenses for travel to ACS National Meetings. The recipients for the Fall 2001 meeting were:

Congratulations on receiving this award!

The Graduate Student Travel Fellowships are available for the Orlando Meeting. Travel Fellowship Awards will be $300. Interested students should contact the Program Chair, Professor John C. Hemminger ( by March 22, 2002.

Plans are now being made to change the travel fellowship program to an award program for posters at each meeting. Eligible posters will have to be presented by Graduate Students who will apply to the Program Chair prior to the meeting for consideration. The posters will be divided by topic for judging. The process is currently being finalized and will be implemented at the Boston meeting, Fall 2002. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact John C. Hemminger, Program Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697. Phone: (949) 824-6020; Fax (949) 824-3168,

Spring National ACS Meeting

Technical Program

April 7-11, 2002
Orlando, FL

The 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting will take place in Orlando, Florida, during the week of April 7-11, 2002. Dr. John Hemminger, 2002 Physical Chemistry Division Program Chair, has arranged for a broad range of topics in modern physical chemistry to be featured in symposia and a general poster session at this meeting. The topical symposia and their organizers are: In addition, the Physical Chemistry Division will co-sponsor three symposia:

Very Important Notice Regarding the Advance Meeting Registration Form

A significant portion of the Division’s annual income is provided by the ACS, based in part on Division members’ attendance at the national meetings. On the advance meeting registration form you will see a question such as "Please list ALL of the division(s) to which you belong:                    ". If you list the Physical Division, you will contribute to our income and allow the Division to offer better symposia. 

Fall National ACS Meeting

Call for Papers

August 18-22, 2002
Boston, MA

Program Chair: John C. Hemminger, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, Phone: (949) 824-6020, FAX: (949) 824-3168, The Physical Chemistry Division is planning the following symposia for the Fall, 2002 meeting in Boston. On-line abstract submission is expected to open mid-February. The abstract deadline for the fall meeting will be March 22, 2002.

Please see for abstract submission access and guidelines. ONLY electronic abstracts via the ACS online submittal system OASys, will be accepted, except by special arrangement with the ACS symposium organizers.

Planned Symposia:

Submit your abstract on-line at the ACS website: Please see the following page for more information. As is now customary, Program Chair Hemminger has arranged for the presentation of contributed talks in each of the topical symposia. The contributed talks will be selected by the individual symposium organizers from among abstracts that explicitly request consideration for oral presentation. The criterion for selection will be close connection with the topics addressed in the symposia. Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be assigned to the poster session(s), unless the authors request otherwise. Since the organizers will not be able to accommodate all requests, the poster sessions will be specifically organized to group posters by symposium topic. While the symposia do cover a wide range of topics, they cannot cover the full depth and breadth of physical chemistry. The division therefore also welcomes general contributions to the poster sessions, which will be grouped by subject area.

Restrictions on Speakers for PHYS Symposia

A speaker may give, at most, one invited talk in the PHYS division in any given meeting. Note that this rule does not apply to contributed talks and posters, so there is still plenty of opportunity for all physical chemists to present their research results in the PHYS division.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstract requirements: Submit a 150-word abstract via the ACS web-based submission system, OASys. Submission instructions and information on abstract requirements can be found at the ACS Web site,

Request for contributed oral presentation: Authors who submit a contributed paper to the program and wish their abstract to be considered for possible oral presentation in a topical symposium must indicate such preference. The abstract should be submitted to the symposium in which oral presentation is desired, and is due one week prior to the deadline.

General Information for Contributed Papers

General Papers - Members are cordially invited to present papers at the poster sessions. Abstracts should be submitted as instructed on the ACS Meetings web page, The deadline, as published in C&E News, on the OASys web site, and the call for papers must be observed to allow the ACS to compile the program and to print and to circulate the abstracts.

Information and Rules Applying to All Contributed Poster Papers

  1. No paper will be accepted unless an author expects to be present.
  2. ACS Bylaws 3(a) require that "papers by American Chemists or chemical engineers not members of the Society shall not appear on the program unless they be joint with one or more Society members."
  3. Prospective poster presenters who also submit papers to other Divisions should inform the Chairman-Elect as to the Division, titles of papers and co-authors by the deadline date.
  4. Each poster paper will have a poster board measuring 4’x8’.
  5. All illustrations, charts, and textual material to be posted must be prepared in advance since materials for these purposes will not be available at the meeting.
  6. Posters should be mounted prior to the opening of the session and left in place until the close. Authors are encouraged to be present the entire session.
  7. There must be a heading (with lettering at least 1" height) giving the title of the papers, the author(s), their affiliation(s), and the number assigned to it in the program.
  8. Illustrative material will be read by attendees from a distance of 3’ or more, so lettering on illustrations should be at least 3/8" high.
  9. There should be a logical sequence (introduction, development and conclusion) to the display and each sheet should be numbered.
  10. Mounting the sheets on colored construction paper and using other techniques for improving graphic impact will enhance the presentation's effectiveness. Ease of reading is far more important than artistic flair. Certain color combinations, for instance, may look beautiful but may be almost impossible to read, especially in the absence of optimum lighting.
  11. Do NOT mount illustrations on heavy stock, which is difficult to mount on the poster boards.
  12. Each author is responsible for mounting his or her material at least 1/2 hour prior to the opening of the assigned poster session and removing it within 1/2 hour after the close of the session. ACS cannot assume any responsibility for materials beyond those time limits.
  13. Do provide sign-up sheets to record names and addresses of attendees who wish more information.
  14. Do bring duplicates of data and conclusions. Duplicating facilities are unavailable through ACS.
  15. ACS provides a modest supply of pushpins, masking tape and felt-tipped pens but it is wise to bring your own. Upon advance request, ACS will arrange for blackboards to be available in the room.
  16. Admission to poster sessions will be by ACS meeting badge only.
  17. A poster paper submitted to the Program Chair (before the deadline) for presentation at a national meeting should be considered accepted unless the author is specifically notified to the contrary by the Division of Physical Chemistry Program Chairman.

Future National ACS Meetings

Orlando FL April 7-11, 2002
Program Chair: Professor John C. Hemminger 
Department of Chemistry, Univ. of California-Irvine 
Irvine, CA 92697,
Boston MA August 18-22, 2002
Program Chair: Professor John C. Hemminger 
Department of Chemistry, Univ. of California-Irvine 
Irvine, CA 92697,
New Orleans LA March 23-27, 2003
Program Chair: Professor James L. Skinner
Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706,
New York City, NY Sept. 7-11, 2003
Program Chair: Professor James L. Skinner
Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706,
Anaheim, CA March 28-April 1, 2004
Program Chair: Professor David Nesbitt
Univ. of Colorado, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
Boulder, CO 80309,
Philadelphia, PA Aug. 22-26, 2004
Program Chair: Professor David Nesbitt
Univ. of Colorado, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
Boulder, CO 80309,


Sabbatical or Career Change Opportunity

Calling All Chemists - Senior Professionals and Graduate Students - to apply for one of the two American Chemical Society Congressional Fellowships and a Science Policy Fellowship.

Work in the Congress or ACS using your scientific and technical expertise.

Gain first-hand knowledge of the government and contribute to decision-making.

For a brochure contact: ACS Office of Society Services, 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 or phone: 1-800-227-5558; E-mail:; Internet information:

The Women Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society is pleased to Call for Applications for Travel Awards

For post-doctoral, graduate, and undergraduate women to make their first research presentation at a scientific meeting.

Sponsored by: Eli Lilly & Company

For more information or an application form, contact:

Cheryl Brown, 800-227-5558 or e-mail:

American Chemical Society 
1155 Sixteenth St. NW 
Washington, DC 20036

The deadline for receipt of applications for meetings between January 1 & June 30, 2003 is September 15, 2002.

ACS Women Chemists Committee Travel Awards - Year 2002

Once again Eli Lilly & Company is sponsoring a program to provide funding for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral women chemists to travel to scientific meetings in 2002-2003 to present the results of their research. Awards will be granted to women presenting research for the first time at a national or major meeting. Grants may be applied only for registration, travel, and accommodations and are restricted to travel to meetings within the United States. Grant funds are limited, but there are some funds set aside for undergraduates. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible. Applications should be limited to one per research group. Women who have received a prior award under this program are ineligible.

The deadline dates for receipt of applications for 2002 and 2003 meetings are as follows:

In order to apply for the award, please submit the following:
  1. A resume (include permanent address).
  2. A completed official application form that you must obtain from your department chair, or may download from (if you need an acrobat reader, go to http://www/ ). The application form is also available from the WCC Staff Liaison at the American Chemical Society. (See address below or call 800/227-5558, ext. 6123; e-mail:
  3. An abstract of the work to be presented, using the official meeting abstract form (or printed copy of an online abstract submission). If not on the official meeting abstract form, reason must be stated on the application form. You will also need to submit your paper through the meeting registration process independent of this Travel Award application.
  4. A letter detailing the reasons you want this award (both scientific and financial), and specifying whether you have made a previous presentation at a national or major meeting.
  5. A letter from your advisor confirming your participation in the meeting at which you will be making your presentation, commenting on your technical ability and potential, and listing any other travel support that would be available from the department or research grants.
Awards will be made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need, with the WCC Membership/Awards Subcommittee serving as the selection jury. Through this program, the Eli Lilly & Company continues to increase the participation of women in the chemical sciences.

Please send your application to:

Women Chemists Committee
American Chemical Society
ll55 l6th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036

Cheryl Brown, 800/227-5558 ext. 6123, or e-mail:

Women Chemists Committee

of the

American Chemical Society

is pleased to

Call for Applications for


The Overcoming Challenges Award

The Women Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society has established an award designed to recognize a woman undergraduate from a two-year or four-year institution for her efforts in overcoming hardship to achieve success in chemistry. The award consists of a plaque, a monetary award of $250, and up to $1,000 in travel expenses to the fall ACS national meeting. The recipient will be recognized at the WCC Luncheon on Tuesday afternoon at that meeting.


Award Administration: Nominations must be received by May 1, 2002. The award will be presented at the fall ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA, at the Women Chemists Luncheon on Tuesday, August 20, 2002.

The Women Chemists Committee

of the

American Chemical Society

is pleased to announce a

Call for Nominations

The WCC Regional Award for

Contributions to Diversity

This program commemorates the 75th Anniversary
of the Women Chemists Committee (1927-2002)

Purpose: To recognize individuals who have significantly stimulated or fostered diversity in the chemical enterprises.

Nature: The award consists of $250, a plaque, and up to $750 for travel expenses to the regional ACS meeting at which the award will be presented.

Establishment and Support: The ACS Women Chemists Committee

Rules of Eligibility: Nominees for the award may come from any professional setting: academia, industry, government, or other independent facility. The award is intended to recognize significant accomplishments by an individual. The award will be given without regard to the age, gender or nationality of the recipient.

To Nominate: Write a one page letter describing the accomplishment and include biographical and contact information of the nominee. One seconding letter will be accepted.

Send nominations to:

Women Chemists Committee
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

For information regarding the award, contact Cheryl Brown, 800/227-5558 ext. 6123, or e-mail:

Deadline for receipt of nominations is February 1, 2002

ACS Membership Application Information for 2002

Membership dues are as follows: ACS offers five categories of membership: ACS welcomes former members whether resigned in good standing or "delinquent" (removed from the rolls for nonpayment of dues). We do not require payment of  back dues and no longer require a $10.00 reinstatement from former members who did not resign in accordance to ACS Bylaws.  To reinstate your membership just complete the online membership application.

Becoming a member of the ACS means becoming a part of the world's largest scientific society, an organization that's more than 163,000 members strong. The ACS provides a multitude of information, educational, financial, technical and professional opportunities for its members. The Society's 33 technical divisions cover the entire spectrum of the chemical world and the 189 Local Sections allows you to participate in local events and meetings throughout the year.

Please either complete the Membership Application online or download the application in PDF and mail or fax it to: American Chemical Society, Member & Subscriber Services, PO Box 82229,Columbus, OH, 43202-9906. Phone: 800-333-9511 (US only); 614-447-3776 (outside the US); Fax: 614-447-3891; E- mail:

Join ACS by completing the online application at:

Do your colleagues know?

Many physical chemists are not members of the ACS and are not aware that they can become Affiliates of the Division of Physical Chemistry and the Subdivisions of Theoretical and Biophysical Chemistry without being a member of the ACS itself. The dues for Affiliates are the same as for Members, and many of the advantages of association with the Division are also the same (Division Affiliates may not hold elective office and may not vote in Division elections). Because it is expensive to make extensive mailings to non-ACS members, we request your assistance in publicizing this information. Please share the membership application on page 16 with anyone who may be interested in membership or affiliation with the Division of Physical Chemistry.

2002 ACS ProSpectives Conferences

Process Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Kumar Gadamasetti, Consultant; Mike Martinelli, Eli Lilly; Prof. Istvan Marko, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Melia Hotel, Barcelona, Spain, February 24-27, 2002.

Catalysis in Modern Organic Synthesis (title pending)
Steve Buchwald, MIT; Gregory Fu, MIT; Eric Jacobsen, Harvard, Cambridge Marriott, Boston, MA, September 8-11, 2002. Catalytic methodologies for organic synthesis, with a focus on technologies with applications in pharmaceutical science.

Combinatorial Chemistry (title pending)
Andrew Combs, Bristol-Myers Squibb; Jack Hodges, Pfizer, Lansdowne Conference Center, Leesburg, VA
September 22-25, 2002. Developing new synthetic methodologies for library synthesis, examining the latest advances in purification and analysis, and briefly reviewing emerging technologies in combinatorial chemistry.

Drug Delivery (title pending)
Robert Langer, MIT; Nicholas Peppas, Purdue; Patrick Couvreur, Universite Paris-Sud, Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA
October 13-16, 2002. Biological and chemical fundamentals of drug delivery that determine present and future technological opportunities. Special emphasis on gene delivery, cell delivery and growth, molecular design of improved biomacromolecular carriers, micro-imprinting and bioanotechnology.

Proteomics (title pending)
John Yates III, Scripps Research Institute; Joshua LaBaer, Harvard Medical School, Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Cambridge, MA
November 10-13, 2002. Using proteomics technologies to understand protein interactions, dynamics, and regulation.

To receive additional information on any of the above conferences, please send an e-mail to, or go to the website: or call 202.872.6286.

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